Dr Alison Jackson, EdD
- PhD supervisor
- Learning, Education & Development Research Centre
- Education

- Email: alison.jackson@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 385459 (internal 5759)
- Location: Lancaster
Prior to joining Higher Education in 2005, Dr Alison Jackson was Director of Modern Languages in a large split-site 11-18 comprehensive school in the North West of England. After joining St Martin's College, which became the University of Cumbria, she founded the Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN), an independent support service for teacher educators in 2009. She was the Director of TEAN until 2019 and the editor of the TEAN journal, an academic peer-reviewed online journal, and the STeP journal (Student Teacher Perspectives), from 2009 to 2019.
She is has been a PhD supervisor since 2007 and has wide ranging interests as well as a focus on schools and teacher education. External examining for PhD students has concentrated on teacher education.
Qualifications and memberships
Highest quaification: Ed.D (Keele University, 2006) for the thesis: 'In search of the re-made teacher; 'master or marionette'? Availble to download from Ethos, British Library.
Member of: BERA - British Education Research Association
Academic and research interests
School leadership and culture
Teacher identity and professionalism
Teaching as a Masters level profession
Developing partnership (schools and universities) through Third Space activity
Doctoral level study in Social Science
Research supervision
On the supervisory team for these Current Research Students:
- Emma Spellman - Health, Psychology and Social Studies - Views of university lectureres, practice educators and students concerning preparedness to practice - occupational therapy.
- Rebecca Hordern - Forestry and Outdoor - Investigating teacher-student relationships in classrooms and outdoor learning spaces: listening to the voices of the young people to improve their engagement in learning.
- Paula Moses - Education - An exploration of how curriculum is designed and delivered in the English primary school to ensure ‘success in life’, through an analysis of the perceptions of pupils, parents and their teachers.
- Clare Vuckovic - Education - The vocabulary of adulting: investigating the lexus young adults are required to understand and use to advocate for themselves as they transition into independent adulthood
- Nicholas O'Loughlin - Education - The influence of the subject leader in providing learning outside the classroom experiences (LOtC) for Key Stage 3 students in English independent schools.
- Jim Greer - Health - How can social work supervision in England provide an effective vehicle for providing support with the stress and emotional labour inherent in social work?
On the supervisory team for these PhD completions
Dr Georgina Athanasiou, 2011 - An exploration of the effectiveness of music lessons in Cypriot primary schools; what are the issues for general classroom teachers?
Dr Eric Wooff, 2013 - Discipline and Vocational Education.
- Dr Carolina Leonardini-Aris, 2015 - Narratives from Easter Island: An investigation of foreign influences on Rapa Nui health and culture.
Dr Julia Ingham, 2016 - Cultural eclecticism or cohesion? A case study of the management of transformational change and its impact on the culture of three predecessor schools in their transition to an academy.
- Dr Richard Bilton, 2018 - Communication, Collusion and Control: Investigating Conversations Between Parents and Teachers in a UK Secondary School
- Dr Kären Mills, 2021 - Taking the lead in the preparation of future teachers. Exploring a school-led route of Initial Teacher Education in England through the lens of a selection of primary Headteachers.
- Dr Adrian Copping, 2021 - Education - Exploring the influence of creative thinking on the pedagogy of primary-aged children’s writing
- Dr Lisa Reed 2021 - Explorations by middle leaders in secondary schools of their professional networks and relationships, analysed against a framework of capital, agency, and resilience.
- Dr Andy Ash - 2023 - Exploring Teaching for Mastery, Mathematical Mindsets and the Development of Mathematical Thinking
- Dr Rebekah Ackroyd 2023 - Tolerance and mutual respect in three secondary schools in England: how teachers of Religious Education working with 11-14 year olds construct and promote these concepts.
- Dr Angie Boyle 2024 - Adults who experienced domestic violence and abuse in childhood.
Compton, A., Crawley, J., Curtis, F., Douglas, A. S., Eaude, T., Jackson, A., ... & Vincent, K. (2019). What are the characteristics of a professional teacher educator? A think piece. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11(2), 3-11.
Jackson, A. (2019). Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (1). Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11(1), 1-3.
Jackson, A., & Burch, J. (2018). New directions for teacher education: investigating school/university partnership in an increasingly school-based context. Professional development in education, 45(1), 138-150. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2018.1449002
Bilton, R., Jackson, A., & Hymer, B. (2018). Cooperation, conflict and control: parent–teacher relationships in an English secondary school. Educational Review, 70(4), 510-526. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2017.1410107
Bilton, R., Jackson, A., & Hymer, B. (2017). Not Just Communication: Parent-Teacher Conversations in an English High School. School Community Journal, 27(1), 231-256. schoolcommunitynetwork.org/SCJ.aspx
Jackson, A., & Burch, J. (2016). School Direct, a policy for initial teacher training in England: plotting a principled pedagogical path through a changing landscape. Professional development in education, 42(4), 511-526. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2015.1052090
Burch, J., Jackson, A. (2013) ' Developing partnership through third space activity ' Tean Journal 5 (2) July [Online].Jackson, A. & Burch, J. (2015) 'School Direct, a policy for Initial Teacher Training in England: plotting a principled pedagogical path through a changing landscape', Professional Development in Education. Available at: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19415257.2015.1052090#abstract
Burch, J. & Jackson, A. (2012) Developing partnership through third space activity: full research report . Lancaster: TEAN.
Jackson, A. & Eady, S. (2012) Teaching as a Masters level profession: the need for continued debate , Professional Development in Education, 38 (1), pp. 149- 152 Jackson, A. (2011) Teacher Education Futures , Research Intelligence, Issue 116
Jackson, A (2009) M level PGCE research: final report http://escalate.ac.uk/5604
Recent external roles
External examiner BA Primary and Post Primary St Mary's University College, Belfast
External examiner EdD University of the West of England
External examiner EdD University of Derby
External examiner PhD Newcastle University
External examiner PhD Hazara University, Pakistan
External examiner EdD Bishop Grosseteste University
External examiner EdD University of Wolverhampton