Dr Mike Toyn, PhD
- Head of External Quality and Compliance
- Institute of Education, Arts and Society
- Education

- Email: mike.toyn@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228242317
- Location: Lancaster
I have responsiblity for Quality Assurance of all programmes in the Institute of Education, Arts and Society in relation to inspection and scrutiny by external bodies. I also lead on all the ITE programmes in the Institute.
Prior to this role, I was Principal Lecturer for Primary ITE PGCE programmes. I have worked at the University of Cumbria since 2004 (with the exception of 2023/24 when I took a year off to tandem cycle from Vancouver to Quito, Ecuador).
Before working at the University of Cumbria, I was a KS2 teacher at Castle Park School in Kendal where I was a lead mathematics and ICT teacher. I was also the ICT subject coordinator.
Qualifications and memberships
Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy
PhD Technology Enhanced Learning
MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education
Academic and research interests
The use of digital technology to promote creativity
Research supervision
Claire Vuckovic, University of Cumbria 2022-2023 The Vocabulary of Adulting: investigating the lexis young adults are required to understand and use to advocate for themselves as they transition into independent adulthood.
Paula Moses, University of Cumbria 2020- 2023 An exploration of how curriculum is designed and delivered in the English primary school to ensure ‘success in life’, through an analysis of the perceptions of pupils, parents and their teachers.
Pippa Leslie, University of Cumbria 2021 Collective Mindset: The role of culture, community and metacognition in the development of shared beliefs about intelligence
Joanne Turley, Wrexham Glyndŵr University 2022 The Psychological Impact of the Digital World and Online Communication on Children Aged 7-11 years: A Mixed-Method Approach.
Toyn, M. (2020) "What goes on in there?" How post-graduate trainee teachers make use of an online learning community using social networking sites? Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal. 12 (1) 85-96
PhD Thesis "How do technologies support School Direct students’ learning on a PGCE with Qualified Teacher Status within a Networked Learning model?"
MA dissertation. The Design, Creation And Evaluation Of Prezicasts As Learning Objects For Distance Learners On A Masters Module.
Simpson, D. and Toyn, M. (eds) (2011) Primary ICT Across the Curriculum. Exeter, Learning Matters
Freeman, P. and Toyn, M.(2010) Making the link - evaluating the impact of a module on student teacher creativity TEAN journal 4 (1),
Toyn, M. (2008) Capturing Creativity with Digital Video. Practitioner Research in Higher Education. 2 (1) 29-35
Recent external roles
External Examiner (2020 to 2024) University of Glasgow. MEduc programme
Acting CEO (2018-2019) Blackpool Multi Academy Trust. (two-day per week secondment)
External Examiner (2016 to 2020) Birmingham City University. PGCE and SCITT programmes
External Examiner (2013 to 2017) Manchester Metropolitan University. PGCE programme.