Qualifications and memberships

CoA- 30 M level credit (90 total); Leading and Managing Change in HEI’s; UOC
PGCE Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (60 M level credits); UOC
PGCE General Primary, Science; Bath Spa University College
BSc. (Hons) Rural Resource Management with Cert. of Industrial Experience; University Of Plymouth,Seale-Hayne Agricultural College

The Higher Education Academy- Senior Fellow(UKPSF3)
APTE (Association of Partnerships in Teacher Education) Exec. Committee Secretary.

Academic and research interests

Teaching and Learning on QTS Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes Partnership - ITE programmes within schools.

Partnership - CPD within schools

Impact of learning technologies on teaching and learning, both at Primary and HE levels

ICT in Education Study Abroad - Creating teaching experiences for international students

Collaborative learning: PBL and 'Discussion for learning'

Building strong 'Learning Partnerships' with schools and businesses E-portfolios for tracking and empowering CPD.


Freeman, P (2015). TEAN:APTE Growing Partnerships conference (March 2015)- Presentation & Q&A Panel member.

APTE (association of Partnerships in Teacher Education) National Conference organizer 2010-Present

Discussion in teaching and learning- An action research project carried out during PgCE L&T in HE.(60 M-level Credits)

ITTE Autumn 2008 No.60 pp13&14- A new tutors perspective of the ITTE conference- questions. Published- ISSN 1362-9433.

National Strategies (2010/11) LPL- Impact on readiness to teach guided reading and systematic synthetic phonics- presentation of SKYPE project.

Freeman, P & Toyn, M (2012) Making the link - analysing the effectiveness of a module on the role of ICT in developing pupil creativity; Vol 4, No 1 (2012): TEAN Journal

Recent external roles

Energy Coast UTC- (NED) Governor

Sept 2015- Present- Directorial board member of Good Shepherd Multi Academy Trust- Vice chair

Senior Fellow of The HEA

Chair of University of Cumbria Early Years and Primary Partnership Committee

Peer Assessor for HEA Academy Level 2 (Fellow status) Portfolios

External Examiner B.Ed - University of St. Mark & St. John (Plymouth) (Exp. 2016)

External Examiner B.Ed. & PgCE School Experience- University of Plymouth (Present)

APTE (Association of Partnerships in Teacher Education) National Exec. Committee Secretary

Supporting aspiring & current Teaching Schools (Cumbria & London)