Professor Mark Wilson, PhD
- Emeritus Professor of Fine Art
- Institute of Education, Arts and Society
- Arts Research Initiative (ARI)
- Art and Design

- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1228 588572
- Mobile: 0044 7815468450 00354 8592296
- Location: Carlisle - Brampton Road
As a Professor and researcher in Fine Art, I am involved with undergraduate and postgraduate Fine Art students, PhD candidates and in facilitating and mentoring the development of staff research within the Department of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cumbria. I am committed to the principle that Fine Art, with its unique and ever-expanding set of methodologies has a special and important contribution to make to knowledge production and indeed in identifying how knowledge itself is constituted.
As an artist, in my own work my scope of interest spans Art and Ecology, Socially Engaged and Site-Specific Art and Art and Science. Since 2001 I’ve worked collaboratively with Icelandic artist Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir, building an international practice based on the complexity of human relationships to environment, in pursuit of which we’ve developed major projects at home, in Europe, Australia and the USA.
Currently, I am principal supervisor for four PhD students, Martin Fowler, Jackie Haynes, Aaron Tan and Jade Miners – and second supervisor to two PhD students, Jane Topping and Patti Lean (all by Fine Art Practice) based at the Institute of the Arts at the University of Cumbria.
I am currently engaged in a three-year period of research in Iceland and together with Prof Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir of the Iceland University of the Arts lead an arts-based project involving an extended team including folklorists, environmental and biological scientists and art curators. The project which commenced in 2019, received a major funding award by the Icelandic Research Council, RANNÍS.
Spanning 20 years, our (Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson) art research projects and publications can be sampled at
Qualifications and memberships
Academic and Professional Qualifications
2013 PhD by Published Work (University of Lancaster)
1976 2:1 BA Hons Fine Art, University of Sunderland
Current Professional Affiliations - Seats on Committees & Boards
2017-2020 External Examiner for Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London
2016-present Member of the AHRC Academic Peer Review College
2013-present Member of National Association of Fine Art Education
2015-present Reviewer for Journal of Visual Arts Practice (Routledge)
2013-present Organising member of Merz North Network
2007-present Member of the Advisory Board of the peer reviewed Antennae Journal of Nature in Visual Culture
2010-15 External Examiner for the BA Hons Photographic and Electronic Media and BA Hons Sculpture course at Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
Current Responsibilities at University of Cumbria
Professor of Fine Art
Programme Leader in MA Contemporary Fine Art (2011-19)
Preparation of validation documents (specifically MA 2011-19)
As a Fine Art staff team member, I am involved in teaching (including lectures, critiques, seminars tutorials) timetabling and planning across all years (Years 0,1,2 & 3 and MA)
PhD supervision (2020):
1st supervisor to four PhD candidates,
2nd to two candidates
Development of Research activity and outputs for Institute of the Arts
Co-Instigator of Arts Research Initiative (ARI) and Arts Research Clinic (ARC) at UoC
2013 – present Member of University of Cumbria Ethics Panel
Academic and research interests
Contemporary Fine Art, Practice-based Research, Interdisciplinary Research, Collaborative Practice, Human/Animal interface and cultural behaviours, Socially Engaged Practice, Site specific art, Site-responsive art, Animal Studies, Environmental Art, Speculative Realism etc
Research supervision
Lead Supervisor
Martin Fowler -Prefab: Dissident Art-Making Against The Capitalist Common Sense.
Jackie Haynes - Can selected aspects of Kurt Schwitters’ Merz legacy be considered, through art practice, as ‘Transformative Sites’?
Aaron Tan - How Li Yuan-Chia’s choice to settle in Cumbria, informed the development and coalescence of his own curatorial and artistic approaches
Jade Miners – To what extent does the use of synthetic/animal material serve to complicate further the ethical arena of the Salvageable Dead?
Second Supervisor
Jane Topping - She Creeps In: The Female Subjective Voice & the Penetrable Screen
Patti Lean - Thirled to the mountain: Nan Shepherd, eco-criticism and nomadology in painting practice
Previous Supervision
(Dr) Johanna Willenfelt - Scripting the Pain of Others: An Artistic Interrogation into Pain as Practice, Site, and Subversive Force – completed July 2020
(Dr) Frida Yngstrom - Pushing the rational – Using dreamwork as a method for art and feminist resistance – completed 2019
Solo exhibitions
2019 Vanishing Point: Where Species Meet, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerstone Place, as part of Edinburg Art Festival 2019 25th of July – 25th of August.
2019 The Only Show in Town, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, US. Curator Jo-Ann Conklin. 6th April – 7th July.
2018 Searching for Stipa, exhibition and symposium, University of Göteborg, Sweden. 11 Nov 2018 – 30 June 2019.
2018 The Mariners Oubliette, film screening SOE Kitchen, Marshall House, Reykavík 26.09.18
2018 Feral Attraction:The Museum of Ghost Ruminants, solo exhibition in Listasafn ASI, Reykjavík, Iceland (5th – 28th February 2016) Hnjótur, Museum of Egill Ólafsson, Hnjótum, Örlygshöfn (15th June to 10. October 2019)
2017 Beyond Plant Blindness, installation in three locations in the Botanical Garden in Gothenburg, Sweden (12th of April – 15th of September 2017)
2014 Trout Fishing in America and Other stories solo-exhibition Arizona State Museum, (3rd October-17th January 2015) curated by Heather Lineberry & Ron Broglio.
2014 Vanishing Point: Where Species Meet, State Darwin Museum Moscow, as part of UK – Russia year of Culture 2014. 20th of Jan to 20th of February 2014
2012 Animal Matters: Sverdrup Gallery, University of Oslo.
11th of May to 24th of August 2012.
2011 I’m Not There: installation at the site of Beaumaris Zoo, Hobart for Ten Days on the Island Festival, Hobart, Tasmania
2010 Uncertainty in the City: Pets, Pests and Prey, Storey Gallery, Lancaster, UK 18th of September to 27th of November 2010
The Broken Skin (16th Oct) public talk event as part of exhibition (live streamed)
The Wild and the Cultivated (30th Oct) public talk event as part of exhibition (live streamed)
The Desirable Neighbour (13th November) public talk event as part of exhibition (live streamed)
2009/10 Radio Animal: touring radio station
Lanercost Priory, July 10th 2010
Grizedale Arts, Cumbria, 13th November
Lancaster, Market Square, 23rd October.
Interspecies, A-Foundation, London 3-6th October
Egremont Crab Fair, 19th September
Broughton Game Fair 28th June
Appleby Horse Fair 4th-6th June
Lancaster Garden and Country Fair 7th June
2009 between you and me: (installation including video works the naming of things and Three Attempts)
Kalmar Museum, Exhibition, Kalmar Sweden 29th August to 24th October
Pod Space Gallery Newcastle, Sydney Australia 12th July to 2nd August
Glashuset, Gothenburg 27th March to 12th April
nanoq: flat out and bluesome, Photographic Installations and events
2011 Tromsø Polar Museum, Tromsø, Norway, 1st June 2011 – 30th March 2012
2010/11 Svalbard Museum, Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen
2010 Manchester Metropolitan Museum (exhibition) 13th February to 11th July 2010
2009 Worcester Art Galleries and Museum, Worcester, 27th November 2009 to 10th January 2010
2009 nanuk, Grenna Museum, Sweden 13th June to 13th September
2009 New Walk Museum, Leicester 24th January to 5th April 2009
2008 Scott Polar Research Institute, 13th May to 20th August 2008
2007/8 Fram Museum, Oslo, Norway, 30th November 07 to 1st of Sept. 08
2007 Nordic House, Faroe Islands, 14th March to 30th April 2007
2006/7 Horniman Museum, London October 06 – March 2007
2006/7 Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen, Sept 06 – Feb 2007
2006 nanoq, installation and book launch, Valand School of Art, Gothenburg
2006 Sensi(a)ble Spaces, Askja, The Centre for Natural Sciences, University of Iceland
2006 Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol
2004 University Museum of Natural History, Oxford
2004 nanoq: flat out and bluesome (installation including 10 stuffed polar bears) in Spkie Island, Bristol
2006 (a)fly
2007 Konstmuseum, Gothenburg, Sweden
2006 National Museum of Iceland, & Reykjavik City Library, for Reykjavik International Art Festival,
2004 Big Mouth Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland
2004 There are some things you have to know, 300m3, Göteborg, Sweden
2003 Lullabies, Hafnarhusid, Reykjavik City Museum. Iceland
Publications (monographs by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson)
2020 Beyond Plant Blindness: Seeing the Importance of Plants for a Sustainable World. (168 pp) Editors: Wilson, M., Snæbjörnsdóttir, B. & Sanders, D. Pub. The Green Box, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-96216-001-2
2019 Feral Attraction: The Museum of Ghost Ruminants / Ómur Óbyggðanna: Draugasafn Jórturdýranna, (238 pp) Pub. Forlaget 284, Gothenburg, Sweden. Published in English and Icelandic. ISBN 978-91-983856-1-8 (Editor: Wilson, M.)
2015 You Must Carry Me Now: the Cultural Lives of Endangered Species (264 pp) Pub. Forlaget 284, Gothenburg, Sweden. Essays by Dr Amanda Boetzkes, Prof Cary Wolfe, Prof Ron Broglio, Dr Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir, Fröydi Laszlo and the artists. ISBN 978-91-979822-6-9
2011 Uncertainty in the City, 152 page book, monograph published by Green Box, Berlin. Edited by Axel Lapp. Essays by Rikke Hansen Erica Fudge, Chris Wilbert, Peter Lurz - ISBN 978-3-941644-18-2
2009 Spaces of Encounter: Art and Revision in Human Animal Relations, BS PhD dissertation, Published by Gothenburg University – ISBN 978-91-977757-6-2
2006 nanoq: flat out and bluesome, A Cultural Life of Polar Bears, 192 page book Essays by Dr. Steve Baker, Dr. Garry Marvin, Michelle Henning, Patricia Ellis, Published by Black Dog Publishing – ISBN 1-904772-39-0
2006 (a) fly – between nature and culture, 80 page book. Essays by Dr. Karl Benediktsson, Dr. Mika Hannula & Dr. Ron Broglio. Published by National Museum of Iceland – ISBN 9979-790-07-5
2004 Big Mouth, 84 page book, featuring research and documentation of three recent projects by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson, with essays by Juan Cruz, Dr. Nikos Papastergiadis, Dr.Francis McKee and the artists, published by Tramway, Glasgow and CIA - ISBN 1-869979-16-8
2003 vögguvísur, Hafnarhusid, Reykjavik City Museum. Iceland. Essay by Juan Cruz
1999 home, published for Slunkariki, Edition 200, ISBN 1-9535610-0-3
Publications (featuring chapters and articles by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson)
2020 Antennae: Journal of Nature in Visual Culture #50 Spring. Wilson, M. & Snæbjörnsdóttir, B., Shooting the Messenger pp.109-123
2019 North as a Meaning in Design and Art, ed. Mäkikalli, M, Holt, Y. & Hautala-Hirvioja, T. Ecologies of Change: The Place of Art in a Northern Imaginary, Wilson, M. & Snæbjörnsdóttir, B. pp.195-209. Lapland University Press, Rovaniemi. ISBN 978-952-310-931-5
2019 Animal Encounters, Kontakt, Interaktion und Relationalität, (2019) ed. Böhm, A. & Ullrich, J., Untying the Knots: Relational Art and Interspecific Encounter by Wilson, M. & Snæbjörnsdóttir, B pp.187-205. Pub. JB Metzler, Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 978-3-476-04938-4
2019 The Bear: Culture, Nature, Heritage, (2019) ed. Nevin, O., Convery, I., & Davis, P., On the Oblique Imperativeby Wilson, M. & Snæbjörnsdóttir, B. Chapter 11, pp.131-146. Pub. The Boydell Press, London ISBN 978-1-78327-460-4
2017 The 10th Anniversary hardback edition of Antennae: Journal of Nature in Visual Culture featured Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson twice;
#1 nanoq: in conversation the artists were interviewed by Editor in Chief, Giovanni Aloi and
#2 Falling Asleep with a Pig – Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson interview the performance artist Kira O’Reilly
2017 Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson interview The Harrisons. Antennae: Journal of Nature in Visual Culture. Issue 39 - Spring. pp. 84 An interview with Newton (and Helen Mayer) Harrison concerning their lives’ work and the launch of their major monograph The Time of the Force Majeure. Interview published in Antennae: Journal of Nature in Visual Culture. Issue 39 - Spring. pg. 84-102 ISSN 1756-9575
2016 Ecologies of Uncertainty: nanoq and the Indeterminate North essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Up Here: The North at the Center of the World Edited by Julie Decker and Kirsten J. Anderson, ISBN 978 0295999081 University of Washington Press
2015 Acts of Creation: Thoughts on artistic research supervision, editors Frisk, H., Johansson, K., & Lindberg-Sand, A., Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposium, Höör, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-87483-16-5
2015 Repairing the Disembodied Mind; Art Practice, Research and New Knowledge essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Keep Frozen: Art Practice As Research – The Artist’s View, ed. Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, ISBN 978-9979-72-761-3. Published by Útúrdúr, Reykjavík.
2015 After nanoq: flat out and bluesome: A Cultural Life of Polar Bears: Displacement as a Colonial Trope and Strategy in Contemporary Art essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Displaced Heritage: Responses to Disaster, Trauma and Loss, Edited by Convery, I. Corsane, G. & Davis, P. The Boydell Press, N.Y
2014 Tierstudien (06/2014) Tiere und Raum ed. Jessica Ullrich, featured work A Safe Passage pub: Neofelis Verlag, Berlin pp 139-146 ISBN 978–3–943414–41–7
2014 The We of ‘We’: Rethinking Back to the Garden, essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson for Late Harvest,exhibition catalogue Center for Art and Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, eds. JoAnne Northrup and William Fox. ISBN 978–3–7774–2350–0
2014 Feral Attraction, Art, Becoming and Erasure chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Animal Studies, Editors: Dr. Susan McHugh, Dr. Garry Marvin, Routledge, London, New York
ISBN 978–0–415–52140–6
2013 A Respectful Distance: To Better Conversation chapter by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson for Handplockat, Editor: Laszlo, F. Publisher, Angora Art, ( ISBN 978–91–979822–2–1
2012 Doing Research, a text written by Snæbjörnsdóttir. Published by the Finnish Art Academy and on the d13 website. Editors, Jan Kaila and Henk Schlager.
2012 Art methodologies/Parities in Meeting,chapter by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in book Animalities edited by Dr. Steven Shakespeare, Published by Continuum (March)
2010 Conversations with Landscapes The Empty Wilderness by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson edited by Dr. Karl Benediktson and Dr. Katrín Lund University of Iceland.
2010 Corridor8 (Contemporary Art Annual), Ed. R. McKinley ISBN 978-0-9552672-3-9
2010 Confrontations with the wild: unpacking the animal through an art practice, in Society Animals and Gender, published by Springer. B. Snæbjörnsdóttir
2009 Transmission: HOST, a collaborative publication Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson and Chloe Brown, published by Sheffield Hallam University.
2008 BIPOLAR, essay on nanoq: flat out and bluesome by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson, The Arts Catalyst, editor Kathryn Yusoff
Selected group exhibitions
Animal Gaze Constructed, Sir John Cass School, Aldgate campus, 6th – 27th of March 2020
Aiviq & Nanuq: Sea Horse & Sea Bear of the Arctic, Anchorage Museum, Alaska 7. okt 2018-12. maí 2019.
Sagas on Thin Ice Audrey Love Gallery, Miami, Florida. (Art Basel) Curated by Ombretta Agró Andruff Nov 17 – Jan 21, 2017. Artists: Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir & Mark Wilson, Ósk Vihjálmsdóttir, Anna Líndal, Kjánska Collective, Rúrí. 3x Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson works featured: Matrix #1, You Must Carry Me Now and nanoq: flat out and bluesome
Borrowed Time, Scandinavian House N.Y. Curator Ásthildur Jónsdóttir (October 2016 – January 2017)
ÁKALL – CHALLENGE – Art in the Service of Sustainability, United Nations, N.Y. Curator Ásthildur Jónsdóttir (July 2016)
RÍKI – flóra, fána, fabúla / KINGDOM – flora, fauna, fable, Listasafn Reykjavikur (Reykjavík Art Museum) curator Markús Þór Andresson (May-August 2016)
Infinite Next Nýlistasafnið (The Living Art Museum), Reykjavík. (7th of May – 15th of June 2016) Group exhibition curated by Bjarki Bragason, Anna Líndal and Þorgerður Ólafsdóttur.
The View From Up Here Polar Lab with Anchorage Museum Alaska. Group exhibition (6th May to 18th Sept 2016)
Dead Animals: the curious occurrence of taxidermy in contemporary art, Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence. U.S (Jan 23rd to Mar 27th 2016) Curator Jo Anne Conklin.
After-Biopolitics, SLSA Conference, Main St. Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S (12thto 15th of Nov 2015). Curator Maria Whiteman
Larson´s Lost Waters, Group exhibition, Wimbledon College of Art, London. Curated by Edwina Fitzpatrick. 2015
Caldewgate 1991-2015, Carlisle. Curator Genevieve Kay-Gourlay, 17th -30th July, 2015
Sjónarhorn, Safnahúsið, Reykjavík, Curator Markús Þór Andrésson, (18.04.2015- x)
Carlisle Photo Festival 2015, 27th April to 16th May 2015.
Ákall, Listasafn Árnesinga, Iceland. Curator Ásthildur B. Jónsdóttir. Featured work; Íslenskir Fuglar. 24.01 – 23.04 2015.
Late Harvest, Nevada Museum of Art, US. Curator JoAnne Northrup. Featured work, nanoq: flat out and bluesomephotographic archive. 27th Sept – 18th Jan 2015
Þín Samsetta Sjón, Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland, Featured work; nanoq: flat out and blue some photographic archive. 24.05 – 7.09 2014.
The Luck of Eden Hall @ the Fire Station,Carlisle, curated by Linda Fitzgerald. Featured work, Safe Passage to the Promised Land (19-26th March 2014)
Publications (featuring the work of Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson)
2019 Tierstudien #16, ed. Ullrich, J. & Böhm, A. Künstlerstrecke, You Must Carry Me Now, by Wilson, M. & Snæbjörnsdóttir, B. pp. 157-168
2018 Speculative Taxidermy: Natural History, Animal Surfaces, and Art in the Anthropocene Giovanni Aloi, Columbia University Press
2016 Ice Bear: the Cultural History of an Arctic Icon Michael Engelhard published by University of Washington Press ISBN 978-0295-99922-7 Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson’s work is discussed on pp. 222, 245-6 and their artwork reproduced on pp.246-7
2016 RÍKI - flóra, fána, fabúla / KINGDOM - flora, fauna, fable, Listasafn Reykjavikur (Reykjavík Art Museum) ISBN 9979-769-50-5
2016 Dead Animals: the curious occurrence of taxidermy in contemporary art, exhibition catalogue writing by Steve Baker, Mark Dion, Brown University, Providence, RI
2015 After Biopolitics: Art exhibition & performances, 29th Annual (SLSA) conference, The BioScience Research Collaborative Rice University, Houston, US - exhibition brochure, ed. Maria Whiteman
Ecologies of Uncertainty: nanoq and the Indeterminate North essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Up Here: The North at the Center of the World Edited by Julie Decker and Kirsten J. Anderson, ISBN 978 0295999081 University of Washington Press 2016
Acts of Creation: Thoughts on artistic research supervision, editors Frisk, H., Johansson, K., & Lindberg-Sand, A., Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposium, Höör. ISBN 978-91-87483-16-5. Sweden 2015
Repairing the Disembodied Mind; Art Practice, Research and New Knowledge essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Keep Frozen: Art Practice As Research – The Artist’s View, ed. Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, ISBN 978-9979-72-761-3. Published by Útúrdúr, Reykjavík 2015
After nanoq: flat out and bluesome: A Cultural Life of Polar Bears: Displacement as a Colonial Trope and Strategy in Contemporary Art. Essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson in Displaced Heritage: Responses to Disaster, Trauma and Loss, Edited by Convery, I. Corsane, G. & Davis, P. The Boydell Press, N.Y. 2015
Tierstudien, Tiere und Raum, featured work A Safe Passage, Ed. Jessica Ullrich, 06/2014
Late Harvest, exhibition catalogue,essay by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson, The We of ‘We’: Rethinking Back to the Garden, Nevada Museum of Art, eds. JoAnne Northrup and William Fox, 2014
Papers delivered by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson at public lectures and conferences
On the Oblique Imperative: An Examination of the Obfuscating Nature of Spectacle in Art and Conservation, by Mark Wilson & Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir for International Conference Minding Animals 4, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City. 2018
You Must Carry Me Now: on Grieving and Extinction, by Mark Wilson & Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir for International Conference Minding Animals 4, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City. 2018
Searching for Stipa: Revealing Plant Biographies across Habitats Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir & Mark Wilson for Out of Time, the 31st annual meeting of the Society for Literature Science and the Arts (SLSA) Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA (9th to 12th Nov 2017)
On the Oblique Imperative: An Examination of the Obfuscating Nature of Spectacle in Art and Conservation Mark Wilson & Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir for Out of Time, the 31stannual meeting of the Society for Literature Science and the Arts (SLSA) Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA (9th to 12th Nov 2017)
Matrix: At the Center of Periphery: Climate Displacement, Immigration and Artists of Social Action Arctic Circle International Conference, Iceland (October 2016)
Untying the knots: Relational Art and the Meetings of Species. Mensch-Tier-Kontakte in Kunst, Erlangen, Nuremburg, (November 2016)
Taxidermy Art & the Animal Question: A Symposium, Dead Animals, or the curious occurrence of taxidermy in contemporary art, Brown University, Providence, US – paper: Fading Symbols, Disappearing Worlds: The Cultural Lives of Endangered Species Feb 26th-27th 2016
Action – a twisted relation to the object, Icelandic Art Academy (28th – 30th of Jan 2016)
After-Biopolitics, Society for Literature Science and the Arts (SLSA) Conference, Rice University, Houston, Texas (12th to 15th Nov 2015) -paper delivered You Must Carry Me Now
Visualising the Animal, University of Cumbria. Paper delivered You Must Carry Me Now. 2015
Anthropocene Campus, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (commentator and lecture) 16-24th November 2014
Art + Environment Conference, Nevada Museum of Art. Paper: nanoq and the Indeterminate North, October 9th – 11th 2014
Further North Conference, University of Northumbria, Newcastle on Tyne. Paper: Ecologies of Uncertainty: The Indeterminate North 4th – 5th September 2014
Practicing (in) Uncertainty Colloquium, Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts, London – paper: What’s Lost is Found, 2014
Artworks in collections
Anchorage Municipal Museum, Anchorage, Alaska, USA Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson Shooting the Messenger
ASU Art Museum, Tempe, Arizona Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – You Must Carry Me Now
Anchorage Municipal Museum, Anchorage, Alaska, USA Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson Matrix #1
Listasafn Íslands - National Gallery of Iceland Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – Islenskir Fuglar
Nevada Museum of Art, (Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – nanoq: flat out and bluesome, 2nd edition)
Centre for Art and Environment, Nevada Museum of Art
(Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – nanoq: flat out and bluesome, project research archive)
Reykjavik Art Museum, (Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – nanoq: flat out ad bluesome, 1st edition)
Aberdeen Art Galleries and Museums (Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir)
University of London, Science Learning Centre, (Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – London, Puttnam from nanoq:)
Guy Stansfeld Architects Ltd. London (Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – Worcester from nanoq)
Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia (Mark Wilson)
Abbott Hall Museum and Art Gallery, U.K (Mark Wilson)
Recent Residencies & Research
Research trip to Kaktovik, North Slope, Alaska (28th September to 7th October 2018) Commissioned by Anchorage Museum
Research trip to Alaska (14th to 22nd of May 2017) Commissioned by Anchorage Museum
Artists in Residence, Anchorage Museum, Alaska, USA. 2016-2020
Research trip to Anchorage and Barrow, Alaska, commissioned by Anchorage Museum, September 2015
Beyond Plant Blindness. Research residency @ Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, April 2015
Research Fellowship, Centre for Art + Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, US, 2014 – 2016
Visualizing Sustainability, research project, commissioned by ASUAM and the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, US, February and November 2013
Animal Matter, University of Oslo, commissioned by Prof. Liv Emma Thorsen, research and exhibition 2012
Recent external roles
2017-2020 External Examiner for BA History of Art & BA Fine Art & History of Art, Dept. Visual Arts Culture, Goldsmiths, University of London
2016-present Panel Member of the AHRC Academic Peer Review College
2013-present Member of National Association of Fine Art Education
2015-present Reviewer for Journal of Visual Arts Practice (Routledge)
2010-14 External Examiner for the BA Hons Photographic and Electronic Media and BA Hons Sculpture course at Gray's School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
2007-present: Member of the Advisory Board of the peer reviewed Antennae Journal of Nature in Visual Culture