Dr Richard Johnson, PhD

  • Associate Professor in Science and Environment
  • Institute of Science and Environment
  • Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA)
  • Geography
Profile picture for Richard Johnson, PhD


Dr Richard Johnson has academic and commercial expertise in mountain/ applied geomorphology and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in high mountain regions. His work is concerned with the complex global challenges afflicting environment and society, and works with partners to influence policy and practice. Rich has worked extensively in the English Lake District since 1997, undertaking sediment budgets, and assessments of storm generated floods and landslides. Since 2013 Rich has been working in the Indian Himalayas in the states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand focussing on floods and DRR efforts. This has been in partnership with Indian and Canadian HEIs (i.e., GBPant NIHE, HPU, DU, PU, and the Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg), Government authorities and local communities. Rich has also led a large number of teaching ventures in India, linking UK and Indian students together in shared cross-cultural learning experiences. 

Qualifications and memberships

BSc (Hons) Geography: University of Nottingham

PhD Physical Geography (Torrent Erosion in Lake District Mountain Catchments): Durham University

CGeog (Gemorph.)



Association of Punjab Geographers: Life Member

Hazard, Risk & Disaster Group- Bath Spa University: Affiliate member and former Director 


Academic and research interests

Research Interests

Rich is a Physical Geographer/ Geomorphologist. He is interested in mountain sediment cascades, sediment budgets, hazard/ risk/ disasters and the particular role and impact of flood processes. He also has expertise as an applied geomorphologist, having formerly worked as a commercial consultant and project manager. Fusing these, he has also recently worked on disaster risk reduction (DRR) with cross-society partners in the Indian Himalaya. Here he is PI on three projects, in association with partners:

(1) UGC-UKIERI 'HiFLO-DAT'- which is constructing a flood hazard database in the Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh. 

(2) Turing Scheme & Royal Commonwealth Society 'HiFLo-DAT 2.0'- which is testing the development and transferability of the HiFlo-DAT database methodology to other regions, namely the Chamoli District in Uttarakhand.

(3) 'Pathways to Resilience'- is an interdisicplinary approach to improving DRR in the India Himalaya.


Academic Role

Rich is both an Associate Professor and Principal Lecturer in Science and Environment, supporting the management and delivery of academic programmes. He contributes to the delivery of a number of modules, typically within the geography disciplinary arena, and is also module leader for: (1) Dissertation; (2) Global Challenges; (3) Catchments: Summit to Sea. More broadly Rich is a member of institute groups: Strategic Leadership Team; Marketing & Recruitment; and the Research & Knowledge Exchange. 

Research supervision

I am open to research supervision in my areas of interest and expertise.



Johnson, R.M., Kuniyal, J.C., Chand, K.  and Edwards, E. (2020) Accelerating Disaster Risk Reduction: Policy and Practice Change to Empower Local Community Partnerships. South Asia Disasters. Net, 186: 9. (Open Access)

Kuniyal, J.C., Chand, K., Kumar, P., Edwards, E., Johnson, R.M., Shashni, S., Gosavi, V.E., Kumar, K., Lata, R., Samant, S.S., Sharma, D.D.  (2019) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh: Developing Pathways to Enhanced Resilience in Mountain Regions. Current Science, 117(4) 25 August 2019: 557-559   

Visser, F., Woodget, A.,  Skellern, A., Forsey, J., Warburton, J., and Johnson, R.M. (2019) An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(24): 9231-9351  

Johnson, R.M., Edwards, E., Gardner, J., and Diduck, A. (2018) Community vulnerability and resilience in disaster risk reduction: An example from Phojal Nalla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Regional Environmental Change, 18(7): 2073-2087

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2015) Sediment erosion dynamics of a gullied debris-slide: a medium term record, Catena, 127:152-169

Johnson, R.M., and Fish, P.R.  (2012) Reactivation of the coastal landslide at Cayton Cliff, Cayton Bay, North Yorkshire, UK. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 59(1): 77-89

Johnson, R.M., Warburton, J., Mills, A.J., and Winter, C. (2010) Evaluating the significance of event and post event sediment dynamics in a first order tributary using multiple sediment budgets. Geografiska Annaler, 92 (A) 2: 189-209

Warburton, J., Milledge, D., and Johnson, R.M. (2008) Assessment of shallow landslide activity following the January 2005 storm, North Cumbria. Proceedings of the Cumberland Geological Society, 7(3): 263-284

Johnson, R.M., Warburton, J., and Mills, A.J.  (2008) Hillslope–channel sediment transfer in a slope failure event: Wet Swine Gill, Lake District, northern England. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33: 394-413

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2006) Variability in sediment supply, transfer and deposition in an upland torrent system: Iron Crag, Lake District, Northern England. ’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31(7): 844-861

Johnson, R.M. (2004) Mountain Torrents, Geography Review, 17(5): 24-26

Warburton, J., Evans, M.G., and Johnson, R.M. (2003) Discussion on the extent of soil erosion in Upland England and Wales.’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 28: 219-223

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2002) Annual Sediment Budget of a UK mountain torrent, Geografiska Annaler, 84A (2): 73-88

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2002) Flooding and geomorphic impacts of a mountain torrent, Raise Beck, Central Lake District, England. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27:945-969



Book Chapters

Diduck A.P., Johnson R.M., Edwards E., Sinclair A.J., Gardner J., Patel K. (2021) Impact assessment, small hydro and environmental justice in India: Lessons from Himachal Pradesh, India. In Diduck, A.P. (Ed.) Advancing Environmental Justice for the Poor: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge, UK

Johnson, R.M., Edwards, E., Gardner, J., and Mohan, B. (2019) Village heritage and resilience in damaging floods and debris flows, Kullu Valley, Indian Himalaya. In Convery, I., Corsane, G., and Davis, P. (Eds.) Displaced Heritage: Responses to Disaster, Trauma and Loss. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge. Paper back

Johnson, R.M., Edwards, E., Gardner, J., and Mohan, B. (2014) Village heritage and resilience in damaging floods and debris flows, Kullu Valley, Indian Himalaya. In Convery, I., Corsane, G., and Davis, P. (Eds.) Displaced Heritage: Responses to Disaster, Trauma and Loss. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2006) Episodic discharge of coarse sediment in a mountain torrent. In Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems. IAHS Publ. 306.

Johnson, R.M., and Warburton, J. (2003) Regional assessment of contemporary debris flow activity in Lake District Mountain Catchments, Northern England: occurrence, scale, and process. In Rickenmann, D. and Chen, C-L. (Eds.) Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 2003. Millpress, Rotterdam


Consultancy Report (Selected)

Warburton, J., Kincey, M., and Johnson R.M. (2016) Assessment of Torrent Erosion Impacts on the Eastern Flank of Thirlmere Reservoir and A591 (Cumbria) following Storm Desmond 2015. Client Confidential Report. United Utilities


Film (Selected)

Pathways to Resilience in the Indian Himalaya https://vimeo.com/285841577 


Policy Brief 

Johnson, R.M., Kuniyal, J.C., Chand, K., Diduck, A., Edwards, E., Gardner, J., Pandey, B.W., Sharma, D.D., Singh, P. (2020). Accelerating Change: Engaging Local Communities in Disaster Risk Reduction in the Indian Himalayan Region. Science Policy Brief. Bath Spa University and NIHE. June 2020. https://doi.org/10.17870/bathspa.c.5036990.v1




Recent external roles

Visiting Research Fellow Bath Spa University

BSU-UoC India Research Placement Lead