
Richard is a retired Police Office from Cumbria Constabulary.
He served 30 years with Cumbria Constabulary working as a Response and Rural Officer before moving into the training department to specialise as a Physical Education and Self- Defence Trainer. He was responsible for developing the training programme for divisional self-defence trainers within the force. This incorporated the use of unarmed defensive tactics, handcuffs, batons, cs/pava spray and taser.

He was also qualified as a Public Order and Firearms Officer.

Towards the end of his career, he also worked within the learning and development department leading on the design and delivery of training Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and delivering training on the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme(Student Police Officers).

Following his retirement, he returned to work at Cumbria Constabulary as a Qualifications and Assessment officer before moving across to work as a Police Staff trainer delivering on the new Police Constable Development Programme(PCDA) and Degree Holder Entry Programme. 

Qualifications and memberships

Prior to joining the Police Richard was educated to degree level and subsequently obtained a Postgraduate Certificate of Education and Fellowship of Higher Education Award.

During his Police service he obtained the following qualifications:
Home Office Physical Education and Self-Defence Trainer
Nationally Accredited Lead Personal Safety Trainer
Nationally Accredited Lead Taser Trainer