Professor Sally Elton-Chalcraft, PhD
- Professor of Social Justice in Education
- Learning, Education & Development Research Centre
- Education

- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 590800
- Location: Lancaster
I was a school teacher and Head of Department working with 4 to 14 year olds for eleven years, then worked in three Universities as a Teacher Educator over the last two decades currently I am Director of the Learning Education and Development Research centre. I am the convenor of the Religions, Values and Education special interest group for the British Education Research Association. I teach on undergraduate, graduate, masters and doctoral programmes and publish in the areas of Religious Education, anti racism, the Prevent Policy, British Values, special educational needs and school leadership. I have been invited to give keynotes in India, Germany, Ireland and the UK. Throughout my career as a primary school teacher, teacher educator and academic I have been passionate about exploring issues of social justice and making education accessible and thought provoking leading to a fairer world.
Qualifications and memberships
Member of the Cathedrals Group Universities Research Committee
Convenor of the Special interest group - Religions Values and Ethics (British Educational Research Association)
Member of Association of University Lecturers of Religious Education
Steering group member of the Cumbria Anti Racist Network
PhD in Religion and Sociology 'Children's cultural awareness' University of Derby
MA in Education Oxford Brookes University
BA in Biblical Studies and Philosophy University of Sheffield
Academic and research interests
Values in Initial teacher Education - (Fundamental British Values in teacher education and in schools)
Values and leadership in Education
Religious Education, Spirituality
The Prevent Policy and anti terrorism strategies in education
Creative teaching and learning
Education in India
University Student Volunteering and community engagement activity
Research supervision
Current PgRs
- Rebekah Ackroyd - Tolerance versus mutual respect: to what extent do educational leaders enable pupils to go beyond factual knowledge to appreciation of the value of the ‘other’?
- Joy Mounter – Contribution to the creation and enhancement of the educational influences of a community of learners, supporting each other and their own development
- Donna Thorpe - Early Years Language intervention strategies
- Lisa Reed- Teacher perceptions of relationships within professional networks and resilience in the workplace
- Kamal Ahmed – Muslim schooling in the British context
- Pippa Leslie- Mindset in the school context
- Adrian Copping – Creative thinking and writing in a primary school context
- Kevin Proudfoot (PhD)- Performance management and motivation in the school context
- Diane Warner (PhD) – Black and Minority Ethnic student teachers face challenges of Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
- Chris Jones (MPhil) – Leadership attributes in the context of the Anglican church
Cooper, H. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (eds) (2018 3ed) Professional Studies in Primary Education London-Sage (4th edition in press 2022)
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2015) Teaching RE Creatively Abingdon: Routledge (second edition in preparation 2022)
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2009) It’s not just Black and White, Miss: Children’s awareness of race Stoke-on-Trent:Trentham Books
Elton-Chalcraft, Hansen, A., Twiselton, S. (Eds) (2008) Doing Classroom Research – a step by step guide for student teachers. Buckingham OUP
Chapters in books:
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Chalcraft, D.J. (2022 in press) Decolonising Christian Education in India? Navigating the Complexities of Hindu Nationalism and BJP Education Policy Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South (2022).
Revell, L., & Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021, May 26). Extremism, values, and education in policy and practice. In Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021) The Use of the Bible in the Institutional Body Language of Christian Schools in India : Mediating Western; Christian; or Western-Christian Culture in Contemporary India? In Chalcraft, D.J. and Angahmi, Z. (eds) (2021) A Biblical Masala : Encountering Diversity in Indian Biblical Studies New Delhi: Christian World imprints
Bryan, H., Revell, L. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) Counter terrorism Law and Education : student teachers’ induction into Prevent Duty through the lens of Bauman’s Liquid Modernity In Trimmer, K, Dixon, R. and Findlay, Y., eds The Palgrave Handbook of Education Law for schools– Considering the Legal Context of Schools Cham, Switzerland: Springer International publishing
Twiselton, S. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) Unit 2.4 Developing your teaching in Cremin, T. and Arthur, J. (eds) 4th edition Learning to Teach in the Primary School London:Routledge
Warner, D. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) “ ‘Race’ Culture and Ethnicity in post European Britain” Ch 14 In Cooper, H. and Elton-Chalcraft (Eds) 3rd edition Professional Studies in Primary Education London:Sage
Elton-Chalcraft, S, Revell, L. and Lander, V. (2018) Fundamental British Values: your responsibilities, to promote or not to promote? Ch 15 In Cooper, H. and Elton-Chalcraft (Eds) 3rd edition Professional Studies in Primary Education London:Sage
Twiselton, S. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2014) Unit 2.4 Developing your teaching in Cremin, T. and Arthur, J. (eds) 3rd edition Learning to Teach in the Primary School London:Routledge
Warner, D. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2014) “ ‘Race’ Culture and ethnicity Teachers and Children “ Ch 10 In Cooper, H. (Ed) 2nd edition Professional Studies in Primary Education London:Sage
Warner, D. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2011) “ ‘Race’ Culture and ethnicity Teachers and their Pupils “ Ch 12 In Cooper, H. (Ed) Professional Studies in Primary Education London:Sage
Elton-Chalcraft, Hansen, A., Twiselton, S. (2008) What’s in it for me? Ch 1 In Doing Classroom Research – a step by step guide for student teachers. Buckingham OUP
Elton-Chalcraft , S. (2020) Student teachers’ diverse knowledge and experiences of religion – implications for culturally responsive teaching Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice , 20 (6). pp. 35-54.
Available at
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Copping, A., Mills, K., Todd, I. (2020) Developing research-informed practice in initial teacher education through school-university partnering. Vol 46 issue 1 Professional Development in Education
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2019) Christian values in education: Teachers in India narrate the impact of their faith and values on practice. Journal of Beliefs and Values available at
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Copping, A., Mills, K., Todd, I. (2019) Developing research-informed practice in initial teacher education through school-university partnering. Professional Development in Education
Elton-Chalcraft, Kendrick, A., and Chapman, A. (2018) ‘Gender, Race, faith and economics: factors impacting on aspirant school leaders’ Management in Education special issue: Diversity in Leadership available at and
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Cammack, P.J. (2019) Christian values in education: teachers in India narrate the impact of their faith and values on practice, Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2019.1647674
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Copping, A., Mills, K., Todd, I. (2019) Developing research-informed practice in initial teacher education through school-university partnering. Professional Development in Education
Elton-Chalcraft, Kendrick, A., and Chapman, A. (2018) ‘Gender, Race, faith and economics: factors impacting on aspirant school leaders’ Management in Education special issue: Diversity in Leadership available at
Elton-Chalcraft, S., Lander V., Revell, L., Warner, D. and Whitworth, L. (2017) To promote, or not to promote fundamental British values? Teachers’ standards, diversity and teacher education British Educational research journal vol 43 no 1 Feb 2017 available at
Lander, V., Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Revell, L., (joint editors)- (2016) Special Issue in JET (Journal of Education for Teaching) Fundamental British Values Vol 42 issue 3 available at
Elton-Chalcraft, S., Cammack, P. and Harrison, L. (2016) Segregation, integration, inclusion and effective provision: a case study of perspectives from special educational needs children, parents and teachers in Bangalore India. International Journal of Special Education available at
Revell, L. and Elton-Chalcraft, S. (Nov 2016) Religious Education, Racism and Citizenship: developing children’s religious, political and media literacy. Teaching Citizenship: Faith and Citizenship professional journal issue 44 Autumn 2016 available at
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Mills, K. (2013) Measuring challenge, fun and sterility on a 'phunometre' scale:evaluating creative teaching and learning with children and their student teachers in the primary school Education 3-13 (available at )
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2011)“We are like dictionaries Miss, you can look things up in us”: evaluating child-centred research methods. Education 3-13.vol 39 no 2 April 2011 pg 187-202
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2008) How children see diversity – the effects of schooling in UK and Southern Germany and Implications for Initial Teacher Education available at
Elton-Chalcraft S. (2007) Druidry, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Baha’i, RE against Racism Inclusive RE, RE Today Publications Birmingham
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2005)’ Mind set matters; Attainment target anti-racism in Primary RE ‘ In RE today Derby CEM
Elton-Chalcraft , S. (2006) ‘Anti racism an attainment target for RE’ In RE today
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2004) Pow Wham! Heros or Powerful Leaders? In RE Today Spring Derby CEM
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2003) “You are what you wear!” Female identity fashion, dress code, cultural demands.” In RE Today Autumn Derby CEM
Elton-Chalcraft S. (2002) "Empty Wells? How well are we doing at Spiritual well being?" International Journal for Children's Spirituality London:Carfax (Taylor and Francis)
Invited Keynote presentations
Invited Keynote/ Seminar presentations
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (July 2021) Social Justice in Education Unity Festival in Cumbria
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021) Annual Prevent and Extremism Seminar (webinar) Religions, Values and Education special interest group BERA May 19th 2021
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021) TEAN and LED Mini Keynote TEAN online 6th and 7th May 2021
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021 April) Decolonising Christian Education in India? Navigating the Complexities of Hindu Nationalism and BJP Education Policy 65th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society: Highlighted Session: Decolonizing Religious Education: Perspectives from and about the Global South
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2021 January) Anti Racist RE – Invited panel member Strictly RE 2021 Jan 30th and 31st 2021 available at
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (Oct 2020) Black Lives Matter Racism and Education Race2B conference University of Cumbria and Multicultural Society
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2020) If promoting British Values is a politicization of the curriculum what should schools and teacher educators do?- Invited seminar 11th March 2020 Liverpool John Moores University School of Education Research seminar
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2020) All shall have a bite of the (poisoned?) apple: Social Justice in Education Inaugural lecture 27th Feb 2020 Sentamu building, Lancaster Campus, University of Cumbria available at video
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2019) India’s Education system : Challenges of Policy into practice Invited Keynote 5th Aug for Bishop’s College Kolkata
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2019) Faith into Practice Invited seminar 6th Aug for Bishop’s College Kolkata
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2019) Teaching about Religion in English faith and Non-Faith schools Invited Keynote for Hyderabad Advance Research on Religion and Culture, a Federated Faculty of ACTC (Andhra Christian Theological College), Henry Martin Institute and Calvin Institute Theology 9th Aug 2019
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2019) Christian Teachers navigating a Hindu Nationalist Education system Invited seminar for Hyderabad Advance Research on Religion and Culture, a Federated Faculty of ACTC (Andhra Christian Theological College), Henry Martin Institute and Calvin Institute Theology 10th Aug 2019
Elton-Chalcraft, S, Bryan, H. and Revell, L. (Nov 2018) Invited panel member for International Professional Development Association conference Aston, Birmingham – Ethics, Extremism and controversial issues
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) Accessing the Child’s voice in research Keynote at the Barnardo’s Child in Cumbria Conference University of Cumbria, Carlsile, 2nd May 2018
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) Fundamental British Values: A politicisation of Teaching? Keynote at the Extremism and Radicalisation Conference May 2018 University of Cumbria, Lancaster campus 2018
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2018) India’s education system: Challenges of policy into practice Invited to give a Keynote at Limerick University Winter conference Feb 2018
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2017) Fundamental British Values- a politicization of the curriculum Centre for Education studies Warwick University seminar series Nov 1st 2017
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2017) To promote or not to promote Fundamental British Values Invited to give a Keynote at Limerick University Winter conference Jan 2017
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2016) Tying ourselves in Knots – British values in schools – implications for NQTs RQTs and schools Invited presentation to school Direct alliance March 2016 The Willows Catholic Primary School, Kirkham
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2016) Creativity and Schooling Keynote for QTS student teachers conference at Leeds Beckett University Feb 2016
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2016) Quality Research- the etiquette of writing academic yet transformative papers and dissertations: unpicking the dilemmas Invited to lead a workshop at Liverpool John Moores University to a delegation of Indian and British academics Jan 2016
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2015) Fundamental British Values, Tying ourselves in knots. Invited Keynote presentation to Newly Qualified teachers at Edge Hill University Oct 2015
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2015) Studying at Master's level and Cambridge Primary Review Trust : CPD Keynote presented to Cumbria Headteachers conference Teachers as Researchers Oct 2015, Stoneybeck Inn, Penrith
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2015) Education in the UK and Faith in schools Invited Keynote to Assam Theological college, Jorhat, Assam, India Aug 2015
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2013) Research : A solitary trudge or the freedom of self-reliance, collegial creativity or the tangles of team projects Keynote presented at University of Cumbria Research day May 2013
Elton-Chalcraft , S. (2009) Keynote Exploring Diversity and Achievement and Demonstration of Multiverse website resources at the Lancashire Minority Ethnic Steering group conference:
Chorley Teachers centre April 2009
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and McLaughlan, D. (2019) Student teachers working with 14 to 19 year olds: Teaching subjects/ nurturing citizens/ meeting employer needs- Implications for Teacher Educators. Conference Aston, Birmingham (May 2019)
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2019) Can (and should) Religion and Worldviews encourage young people to challenge Islamophobia, anti-Semitism etc, or is RE morphing into a knowledge rich academic subject to impress Russell group universities? AULRE Birmingham Newman University (May 2019)
Elton-Chalcraft, S. Revell, L and Whitworth, L. (2018) Symposium : Three papers reporting on research informing policy and practice in ITE and RE in schools:
- Improving RE in ITE and empowering beginner teachers in their delivery of RE.
- Problems with promoting fundamental British values in education
- Enacting Prevent, FBV and teaching Islam in schools.
20:20 RE Crewe Oct 2018
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2017) Indian Teachers’ narrating the impact of Christian faith in schools Presentation ECER in Copenhagen Aug 2017
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2017) Christian Values in practice: similarities and differences in five Indian states Presentation BERA at Brighton Sept 2017
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2017) Reflecting on Values and ‘institutional body language’ in Indian schools- implications for the teacher educator Presentation TEAN at Aston May 2017
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2016) Teachers’ views from five Indian states, about their own faith and their schools’ Christian foundation, insider outsider research Presentation at Leeds University BERA
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2016) Leadership is about excellent coaching not telling people what to do’: Preparing future school leaders Presentation at Leeds University BERA
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2016) Cultivating an understanding of an Indian context : Teachers’ views from five Indian states, about their own faith and their schools’ Christian foundation Presentation at TEAN Aston University May 2016
Elton-Chalcraft, S and Cammack, P. (2015) Inclusion and perceptions of disability – a case study of teaching and learning in Bangalore, India. Presentation at BERA Belfast Sept 2015
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Cammack, P., (2015) Inclusion and perceptions of disability – a case study of teaching and learning in Bangalore, India. Presentation at TEAN May 2015
Elton-Chalcraft, S., Lander V., Revell, L., Warner, D. and Whitworth, L. (2015) An investigation into teachers’ and student teachers’ perceptions of 'values' paper delivered at ECER (European Centre for Educational Research) Budapest Sept 2015
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2014) I don’t think lecturers are ever going to change a closed mind’ Student teachers’ learning journeys and teaching for diversity paper accepted for ECER (European Centre for Educational Research) Porto Portugal Sept 2014
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2014 Sept) The impact of student teacher's Religious Education subject knowledge, experiences and attitudes and their preparedness for working within the field of ‘race' and ethnicity BERA(British Educational Research Association) Institute of Education London Sept 2014
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2014 May) Educating student teachers - teaching for diversity ‘TEAN (Teacher Education Advancement Network) May 2014
Elton-Chalcraft, S., Lander V., Revell, L., Warner, D. and Whitworth, L. (2013) Fundamental British values in Education? presentation given at Race and Ethnicity Symposium BERA (British Educational Research Association) sept 2013
Adams,J., Cronin, S., Elton-Chalcraft, S. Smears, E. and Walshe, B. (2013) Creativity in a Policy Vacuum: ‘An Investigation into the Understanding and Implementation of State Guidance and Policy on Creativity in Education by Intending and Newly Qualified Teachers’ presented at ECER (European Centre for Educational Research) in Istanbul Sept 2013
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Copping, A.,Howlett, D., Mills, K., Todd, I. (2013) Enabling student teachers to facilitate creative teaching and learning in primary schools. presented at ECER (European Centre for Educational Research) in Istanbul Sept 2013
Adams,J., Cronin, S., Elton-Chalcraft, S. Smears, E. and Walshe, B. (2013) ‘An Investigation into the Understanding and Implementation of State Guidance and Policy on Creativity in Education by Intending and Newly Qualified Teachers’ presented at TEAN (Teacher Education Research Network May 2013
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Copping, A.,Howlett, D., Mills, K., Todd, I. (2013) Facilitating creative teaching and learning. Presented at TEAN (Teacher Education Research Network) May 2013
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Mills, K., (2012) Measuring fun on a phunometre scale :Creative teaching and learning. Presented at BERA (British Educational Research Association) Sept 2012
Elton-Chalcraft , S., Mills, K., (2012) Measuring fun on a phunometre scale :Creative teaching and learning. Presented at TEAN (Teacher Education Research Network May 2012
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2012) A solitary Trudge or the freedom of self reliance, collegial creativity or the tangles of team projects Keynote Speech at University of Cumbria Faculty Away Day May 2012
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2011 Oct ) Creativity – discussion of Research Methodology and Findings from the logitudinal study of student and newly qualified teachers on policy and practice in Creativity education. Presented at the TEAN occasional seminar series University of Cumbria
Elton-Chalcraft,S., (2011 Sept) An investigation into the understanding and implementation of state guidance and policy on creativity by intending and recently qualified teachers and to make recommendations for the improvement of creative teaching. Presented at BERA conference London
Elton-Chacraft , and Warner, D. (2011 Sept) An investigation into how well prepared student teachers for working in the area of Diversity with particular reference to ‘race’ and ethnicity. Presented at BERA conference London
Sandra Hiett, Elizabeth Smears, Jeff Adams, Sue Cronin, Barbara Walsh, Grant Stanley, Sally Elton-Chalcraft, Marion Jones (2011 July) An investigation into the understanding and implementation of state guidance and policy on creativity by intending and recently qualified teachers and to make recommendations for the improvement of creative teachingTERN ESRC Seminar Series, Liverpool John Moores University,6 July 2011
Cronin, S. Elton-Chalcraft, S. Walsh, B. (2011 May), Initial Findings: Policy and Practice- creativity . Esmee Fairbairn funded project presentation to TEAN Manchester University
Elton-Chalcraft and Warner , D. (2011 May) Workshop Student teacher’s preparedness to work in the field of Diversity (race and Ethnicity)- Sharing Good practice and Issues TEAN Manchester University
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Barker, J. (2011, March) Equality Diversity and Inclusion: Embedding Diversity into the Curriculum- research policy and practice Faculty Away Day University of Cumbria
Elton-Chalcraft S. (2011 Feb) Creativity in the 4 year degree programme at University of Cumbria TEAN : primary 4 year degree day, University of Cumbria
Elton-Chalcraft, S., Hansen, A., McCreery, E. and Morris D. (2010 Nov) ‘The needs of Primary Teacher educators across England in relation to their ITE curriculum development’ Presented at UCET conference Warwick
Elton-Chalcraft , S. (2009) Demonstration of Multiverse website resources – Exploring Diversity and Achievement at the Lancashire Minority Ethnic Steering group conference: Chorley
Elton-Chalcraft, S. and Broadbridge, J (2009) Findings and Implications of the Recruitment and Retention Challenge Grant Research Recruitment and retention of BME trainees within Lancashire Minority Ethnic Steering Group provider members Conference: Chorley
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2008, Feb), How children see diversity – the effects of schooling in UK and Southern Germany and Implications for Initial Teacher Education presented at the TEPE conference Ljubljana University Slovenia
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2008), Sept The British Education system and Religious education, Presented to the Englische-Deutsche Society, Munich Germany
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2006) “My dad don’t like no brown skinned people” British Education Research association BERA Warwick Sept 2006
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2004) Raising the achievement of pupils from diverse Backgrounds RE Team Presentation, St Martin’s College RE Team Ambleside
Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2002) Spirituality: the four dimensions Children’s spirituality Conference: Roehampton
Recent external roles
Steering group member 'Cumbria Anti Racist Network'
Director LED (Learning Education and Development) Research Centre University of Cumbria. Learn about the recent fundamental British values in Education project here.
Former role as regional co ordinator for the Cambridge Primary Review Trust. The excellent CPRT resources are now located at the Chartered College of Teaching website:
External Examiner Oxford Brookes University work-based QTS Primary degree 2004-2008
External Examiner Aberdeen University 2009-2012