Tim Heap
- Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management
- Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership
- Business

- Email: tim.heap@cumbria.ac.uk
- Location: Ambleside
Tim is an experienced academic in the field of tourism management and has worked in partnership with destinations in the UK and abroad to develop a range of initiatives and projects focused on the planning and management of tourism to ensure growth and economic impact.
Prior to joining the University of Cumbria, Tim worked at the University of Derby as Director of Programmes for Tourism, Events Management, Hospitality and Spa Management, and most recently as a Principal Tutor at Derby.
As well as lecturing on Derby's MSc programmes in Tourism, Hospitality, Events and Spa Management, he supervised a number of doctoral theses, and mentored new staff researchers and doctoral supervisors, provding university workshops for new doctoral students.
He has worked alongside five different franchise overseas organisations in Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Greece and Israel, as well as working on locally based tourism projects with Vision Buxton, Matlock Bath Commnity Project, and the Buxton Town Team.
Qualifications and memberships
BA (Hons) Geography 1988 (2:1) Northumbria University (formally Newcastle Polytechnic).
Doctoral research at University of Newcastle and Durham (1988-1990) ‘Reconstructing paleo-environments. A study into the little ice age – anthropogenic and/or climatic influences upon river systems in the North Pennines. (Work and financial constraints precluded completion)
Academic and research interests
Research in Tourism, Hospitality, Spa and Event Management.
Exploring environmental strategies, management response strategies, glocal strategies and the end of globalisation, marketization, cognitive imperialism and de-colonisation of qualitative research in tourism.
Research supervision
Tim has an established track record in PhD supervision.
He has supervised over 150 Masters Theses, 30 Doctorates (2 as second supervisor, 28 first) to completion, and 4 MPhils.
Graduands have come from Libya (2), Thailand (2), Germany (1), Kenya (1), Ireland (1), China (5), Brazil (1), Spain (2), Italy (1), Malawi (1), Zimbabwe (1), Hungary (1), Austria (2), U.K. (9)
Tim supervised the first doctoral thesis in Spa Management in the world.
Most recent include –
Title: ‘Spatial existential authenticity and the production of heteratopia. The case for second homes in China’. – Awarded May 2018
Title: ‘E-Marketing as a development tool for Libyan crisis/post crisis tourism’ – Awarded July 2018
Title: ‘A Conceptualisation of management based upon the lived experience of hospitality managers and employees.’ Awarded May 2019
Title: ‘Identification of Tourism Developmental Success Factors Benchmarking the Malawi Tourism Industry’ Awarded July 2019
Title: ‘Decolonising Tourism Anthropological Studies in Higher Education: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Thematic Analysis. – Ghana’. Submission September 2019.
Title: ‘The influence of personality type and buyer behaviour in University choice’. Submission September 2019
Title: ‘Studies in problem-based hospitality management education (In Netherlands) – PhD by publication’ – Submission November 2019
Title: ‘Investigating hotel visitors’ motives when using a mobile hotel gamified application and understand what fun means for them’. Submission August 2019
Title: ‘How can human resource managers improve attraction, retention and development of resilient talent in the hospitality sector’? Submission October 2019
Title: ‘Contextualising convergent and divergent stakeholder theory within the events sector’. No date as yet.
Currently editing new book on ‘Extravagant Tourism’ for Goodfellow Publishing, and producing two chapters for this.
Rawlinson, S & Heap, T (2017) Ed’s. International Spa Management Principles and Prcatices, Goodfellow Publishing.
Heap, T. (2017) ‘Future Directions’ . In: International Spa Management in the Spa Industry, Goodfellow Publishing.
Anthonisz, A & Heap, T. (2017) ‘Sustainable tourism in Dubai’. In: Climate Change and Coastal Tourism: Recognizing Problems, Meeting Expectations & Managing Solutions. CABI Publishing
Anthonisz, A. & Heap, T. (2017) ‘Brand Expectation and Authentic Service Experiences in the Hotel Industry in Dubai’. In: Tourism in the Arab World, An Industry Perspective. Channel View Publications
Anthonisz, A. Heap, T. & Baker, L. (2017) ‘Guest Service and Guest Journey’. In: International Spa Management: Principles and Practice, Goodfellow Publishing
Anthonisz, A. Heap, T. & Ramsbottom, O. (2017) Developing an Effective Human Resource Strategy’. In: International Spa Management: Principles and Practice, Goodfellow Publishing
Anthonisz, A. & Heap, T. (2017) ‘Strategic Management in the Spa Industry. In: International Spa Management: Principles and Practice, Goodfellow Publishing
Heap,T. (2016) ‘Deborah: Having a personal connection to what has variously been described as dark tourism, thanatourism, death tourism and macabre tourism’. In Thnantourism: Case studies inTravel to the Dark Side. Goodfellow Publishing.
Anthonisz, A. Heap, T. & Rawlinson, S. (2015) 'Re-positioning the authenticity of the 5 star service experience in Dubai' CHME Conference. May
Anthonisz, A. & Heap, T. (2014) ‘A Preliminary discussion of the strategic challenges facing the 5-star hotel industry on the run up to EXPO2020' EuroCHRIE Conference Paper.
Anthonisz, A. & Heap, T. (2014) ‘The Dubai Dilemma – assessing the impact of the EXPO2020 on 5-star hotels in Dubai’. CHME Conference Paper, May ISBN: 9780901437754
Heap, T. J. (1997) The North Pennines – employment, tourism and the community, Proceedings of the Atlas International Conference, Tourism, Leisure and Community Development
Heap, T. J. & McCabe, S. (1997) Reading between the lines: a comparison of the tourism policies as tools for socio-economic development. Proceedings of the Atlas International Conference, Tourism Leisure and Community Development.
Hoolam, D. Faithorn, R. Heap, T. J. & Wood, R (1997) Developing a guidance infrastructure in managing guidance in higher education for HEQC.
Heap, T. J. McCabe, S. & Thompson, C. (1996) Loved to death: A comparative analysis of the management of national parks in Australia and the UK – Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association ’96 Conference – James Cook University, Lismore, Australia.
Thompson, C. & Heap, T. J. (1995) A monumental task: Sustaining Prague for and from Tourism, at the Urban Environment – Tourism – International Conference, South Bank University.
Heap, T. J. & McCabe, S. (1995) Using National Parks UK as a model for potential future success/problems in Australian National Parks, Association of Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference, Southern Cross University.
Macklin, M. Heap, T. J. & Rumsby (1992) A flood alleviation and entrenchment: Holocene Valley Floor Development in the British uplands. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America.
Towner, J. France, L. & Heap, T. J. (1991) Tourism and employment, Alsoton Moor. Proceedings of the Innovative Rural community Conference, Ontario, Canada.
Heap, T. J. (2005) Peak District Walking Festival. An appraisal of the 2005 event. Submitted to the Peak District National Park Authority, September 2005
Heap, T. J. (2005) The Bollsover Food Festival. An appraisal of the 2005 event. Derbyshire Management Partnership November 2005. Concentrating upon economic multiplier using the Do-It-Yourself kit devised by Julie Jackson et al, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
Heap, T. J. (1996) Pride Park the only choice: An academic appraisal of the project’s potential sustainability, for the Millenium Commission.
Heap, T. J. & Wylie, R. (1992) A volume of employment attributable to tourism and leisure day activity in the North Pennines AONB: Report for the North Pennines Tourism Partnership.
Heap, T. J. (1991) Historic Flooding, Holocene Valley floor Development: Paper presented to the Glasgow Conference of the British Geomorphological Society.
Passmore, D. Macklin, M. & Heap, T. J. A geoarchaelogical Investigation of late Holocene Alluvial Fills and Valley Side Sediments at ‘Habitancum’ Roman Fort, West Woodburn, Northumbria: A re-evaluation of the Pierce Bridge Formula.
Recent external roles
Peer Reviewing (Recent)
Chair of validation panel University of Surrey – Tourism masters franchise
Validation MSc Decision Management - Luton University
Academic advisor – combined subject programmes – University of Worcester
Reviewer for ‘Tourism Naturally Conference’ 2019 and proceedings text book 2018.
Journal (proceedings) and conference articles for Council for Hospitality Management (CHME) 2017/18/19.
Event Management Journal 2017/18 (including special edition).
Tourism Geographies (2017)
Association for Events Management Education (AEME) conference proceedings 2018
Previously also reviewed articles for Tourism Management, Tourism Concern, Tourism Geographies, International Journal of Sustainable Tourism (including special edition), Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
Reviewed book proposals for Pitman publishing, Oxford University Press and Goodfellow publishing.
Current Consultancy and Practice (last 5 years)
1.4 mn Euros raised for planning, designing, building and opening Cambrai Tank Museum, Flesquires – Northern France – opened November 2017. European funding, Region Du Nord Pas de Calais, Apartment de Cambrises. Joint project with Friends of Deborah U.K. and France. Jointly led with Philippe Goryzinski MBE
25k for consultancy Llangollen International Eistedfford – Welsh government award. Review and relaunch of new strategic direction for the festival. Initial project 2013, review 2018.
Three Gorges Cruises – Yangste river cruises – new product development. Linking geomorphology with tourism product development. 2016.
Research and consultancy for Traffic management for Kingsbridge and Totnes in Devon.
Research and consultancy for management strategies for two hotels in Jersey and one on Guernsey (using value at risk models, using adapted Monte Carlo simulation) 2014/15/16.
Visiting Scholarships and Lectureships
Visiting Lectureship at Swiss Education Group in Montreux. 2014-present
Previous at Zimbabwe College Harare (2009), and Tel Aviv (2006).
Current Collaborative Research (last 5 years)
Derbyshire County Council panel members for advisory body for tourism development (with Dr. Sarah Rawlinson), big data project. Completed January 2019
External Examining (last 5 years: Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral Level)
Examined two doctoral theses – Anglia Ruskin University and Sheffield Hallam University
Previously held four different external examiners roles to Masters Level.