Dr Wilson Ozuem, PhD
- Professor (Associate) of Digital Marketing and Innovation
- Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership

- Email: wilson.ozuem@cumbria.ac.uk
- Location: London
Wilson Ozuem’s general area of expertise lies in digital marketing and fashion marketing. His specific research interest is: understanding the impacts of emerging computer-mediated marketing environments (CMMEs) on the fashion industry. Dr Ozuem is acknowledged as one of the international leaders in the study of digital marketing and multichannel retailing. His research has been published in key journals, including the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Information Technology & People, Psychology & Marketing, International Journal of Market Research and many others.
Qualifications and memberships
Senior Fellow HEA
PhD Digital Marketing - Anglia Ruskin University
Postgraduate Degree (Educational Enquiry) University of Cambridge
MBA - London Metropolitan University
MA Marketing Communications - University of West London
MEd Educational Leadership and Management - Open University, UK
Postgraduate Diploma (Retail Management) - University of Arts, London
BA Business - University of Portsmouth
Academic and research interests
I have successfully supervised 30 PhD/DBA candidates to completion. I welcome prospective PhD/DBA students in the following research areas: social media marketing, digital marketing, augmented reality, online service failure and recovery strategies, online brand communities etc
Ozuem, W, Willis, M, Howell, K Lancaster, G and Ng, R (2021) Determinants of online brand communities and millennials characteristics: A social influence perspective, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 38 (5) pp. 794-818
Ozuem, W, Willis, M, Howell, K, Helal, G, and Lancaster, G (2021) Differential effects of Millennial online brand community and customer loyalty in the fashion industry, Psychology and Marketing, Vol 38 (5) pp. 774- 793
Ozuem, W, Ranfagni, S, Willis, M, Rovai, S and Howell, K (2021) Exploring customers’ responses to online service failure and recovery strategies during Covid-19 pandemic: an actor–network theory perspective, Psychology and Marketing, Vol 38 (9) pp. 1440-145
Datson, P and Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2021) Beyond the game: perceptions and practices of Sports Sponsorship in German SMEs , Qualitative Market Research (forthcoming)
Patten, E, Ozuem, W and Howell, K (2020) Service quality in multichannel fashion retailing: an exploratory study, Information Technology and People, Vol 33 (4) pp. 1327-1356
Azemi, Y, Ozuem, W and Howell, K.E (2020) The effect of severity of negative word of mouth (ewom): a frustration–aggression perspective, Psychology and Marketing Vol. 37 (4)
Brierley, G, Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2020) Subconscious Marketing Communications Techniques and Legal Implications, Journal of Decision Systems, Vol, Vol. 29 (2)
Naeem, M and Ozuem, W (2020) Developing social brand engagement model: insights from diverse consumers, Journal of Consumer Behavior (forthcoming)
Patten, E and Ozuem, W (2020) Minding the competition: the drivers for multichannel service quality in fashion retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (accepted)
Ozuem, W, Howell, K.E and Lancaster, G (2019) The impact of digital books on marketing communications, Journal of retailing and consumer services, Vol. 50 pp. 131-137
Appiah, D, Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2019) Building resistance to brand switching during disruption in the smartphones industry: an identity theory perspective, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Vol. 50 pp. 249-257
Appiah, D., Ozuem, W., Howell, E. K., Lancaster, G. (2019). Brand Switching and Consumer Identification with Brands in the Smartphones Industry. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 18 (6) pp. 463 -473
Azemi, Y, Ozuem, W, Lancaster, G and Howell, K (2019) An exploratory journey towards research and practice of online service failure and recovery strategies, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 94 pp. 420-431
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2019) Consumption and communication perspectives of IT in the developing economy, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management journal, Vol. 31, (8) pp. 929-942
Halel, G, Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2018) Social media brand perceptions of millennials in the fashion apparel and accessories industries: a social identity perspective, Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 46 (10). pp. 977998
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2018) Developing technologically induced environments: the case of the Nigerian banking sector, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 23(1), 50–61
Azemi, Y, Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2020) Service failure and recovery strategies in the Balkans: an exploratory study, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 472-496
Ozuem, W, Prasad, J and Lancaster, G (2018) Exploiting online social gambling for marketing communications, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 26, No 3
Ozuem, W, Limb, N, and Lancaster, G (2018) Exploring the locus of Internal Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 26 (4)
Ozuem, W, Howell, K, and Lancaster, G (2017) An exploration of consumers’ response to online service recovery initiatives International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 54, No1
Dunkwu, J, Egbunike, O and Ozuem, W (2016) Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: An Exploration of Theory and Practice, World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6: 3
Ozuem, W, Thomas, T and Lancaster, G (2016) The Influence of customer loyalty on small island economies: an empirical and exploratory study, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol 24, No 6
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2016) Understanding technologically induced customer services in the Nigerian banking sector: the internet as a post-modern phenomenon, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, Vol. 14: 2
O’Keeffe, A, Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2016) Leadership Marketing: an exploratory study, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 24: No 5
Dunkwu, J, Egunike, O and Ozuem, W (2016) Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Is the Difference Simply Semantics? World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 6: 1 pp 132-142
Ozuem, W, Borrelli, M and Lancaster, G (2016) Leveraging the co-evolution of offline and online video games: an empirical study, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 25, No 1, January 2017, pp. 75-97
Ozuem, W and Prasad, J (2015) Online Social Gambling and its implications for the study of marketing communications, International Journal of Applied Behavioural Economics, Vol. 4, No.3
Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2015) Questioning: a path to student learning experience, Journal of Education + Training, Vol. 57:5
Azemi, F., Ozuem, W. and Azemi, Y. (2015). Contextual influences: Online service failure and recovery strategies. Chinese Business Review, 14(8), pp. 382- 389
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2014) Corporate social responsibility; towards a context-specific perspective in the developing countries, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol 10, No 3
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2011) Enabling Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility in the Niger Delta Communities (Nigeria), Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Business and Law Vol. 2, No.2
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2008) Communicating in the New Interactive Marketspace, European Journal of Marketing, Vol 42. 9/10
Ozuem, W and Howell, K (2005) Assessing communication in a New Institution: Postmodernism and the Internet, International Journal of Applied Institutional Governance, Vol. 2: 3
Edited Book Chapters
Ozuem, W and Willis, M (2021) Online brand communities, customer participation and loyalty in the luxury fashion industry: strategic insights, In Wilson Ozuem and Silvia Ranfagni (2021) The Art of Digital Marketing Strategies for Fashion and Luxury Brands: Marketspaces and Marketplaces, London: Palgrave
Ranfagni, S and Ozuem, W (2021) Leveraging eWOM on service failure recovery strategy: an insight into the brand perspective, In Wilson Ozuem and Silvia Ranfagni (2021) The Art of Digital Marketing Strategies for Fashion and Luxury Brands: Marketspaces and Marketplaces, London: Palgrave
Helal, G and Ozuem, W (2020) Social Media Ecosystems: The Millennial Brand Perspective, In Wilson Ozuem, Elena Patten and Yllka Azemi (2020) Harnessing Omnichannel retailing strategies for fashion and luxury brands, Florida: BrownWalker Press
Willis, M, Ozuem, W and Ng, R (2020) Enhancing Online Brand Relationship Performance: Insights and Reflections, In Wilson Ozuem, Elena Patten and Yllka Azemi (2020) Harnessing Omnichannel retailing strategies for fashion and luxury brands, Florida: BrownWalker Press
Azemi, Y, Ozuem, W and Hobson, A (2020) Navigating Luxury Brands Ecosystems: Evidence from conceptual marketing, In Wilson Ozuem, Elena Patten and Yllka Azemi (2020) Harnessing Omnichannel retailing strategies for fashion and luxury brands, Florida: BrownWalker Press
Xu, J and Ozuem, W (2020) Building Brands Together: Online Brand Community and Commitment in the Luxury Fashion industry, In Wilson Ozuem, Elena Patten and Yllka Azemi (2020) Harnessing Omnichannel retailing strategies for fashion and luxury brands, Florida: BrownWalker Press
Helal, G and Ozuem, W (2019) Social Media and Social Identity in the Millennial Generation, In Gordon Bowen and Wilson Ozuem (2019) Leveraging computer- mediated Marketing Environments, Hershey: IGI
Azemi, Y and Ozuem, W (2019) Online Service Failure: Understanding the Building Blocks of Effective Recovery Strategy, In Gordon Bowen and Wilson Ozuem (2019) Leveraging computer- mediated Marketing Environments, Hershey: IGI
Appiah, D, Ozuem, W and Howell, K (2019) Disruptive Technology in the Smartphones Industry: Identity Theory Perspective, In Gordon Bowen and Wilson Ozuem (2019) Leveraging computer- mediated Marketing Environments, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W (2017) Digital Marketing, In Geoff Lancaster and Lister Massigham (2018) Essentials of Marketing Management, London: Routledge
Ozuem, W & Azemi Y (2018) Online service failure and recovery strategies in luxury brands: a view from justice theory, in Wilson Ozuem and Yllka Azemi (2018) Handbook of Digital Marketing for fashion and luxury brands, Hershey: IGI
Ayertey, S & Ozuem, W (2018) Developing a compelling online recovery strategy: implications for the fashion clothing industry, in Wilson Ozuem and Yllka Azemi (2018) Handbook of Digital Marketing for fashion and luxury brands, Hershey: IGI
Hickman, MK, Ozuem, W & Okoya, J (2018) Gender fluidity in the age of technologically mediated environments: implications for fashion industry, in Wilson Ozuem and Yllka Azemi (2018) Handbook of Digital Marketing for fashion and luxury brands, Hershey: IGI
Helal, G, & Ozuem, W (2018) Social identity matters: social media and brand perceptions in the apparel and accessories industries, in Wilson Ozuem and Yllka Azemi (2018) Handbook of Digital Marketing for fashion and luxury brands, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W, Pinho, C and Azemi, Y (2016) User-generated content and perceived customer value. In Wilson Ozuem and Gordon Bowen (2016) Competitive Social Media Strategies, Hershey: IGI
Azemi, Y and Ozuem, W (2016) Online Service Failure and Recovery Strategy: The mediating role of social media. In Wilson Ozuem and Gordon Bowen (2016) Competitive Social Media Strategies, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W, Lancaster, G and Sharma, H (2016) In Search of Balance between Talent Management and Employee Engagement in Human Resource Management, In Ana María Lucia Casademunt (2016) Strategic Labor Relations Management in Modern Organizations, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Mullo, B (2016) Basics of Mobile Marketing. In Wilson Ozuem and Gordon Bowen (2016) Competitive Social Media Strategies, Hershey: IGI
Stokinger, E and Ozuem, W (2016) The Intersection of social media and customer retention in the luxury beauty industry. In Wilson Ozuem and Gordon Bowen (2016) Competitive Social Media Strategies, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2015) Examining the Dynamics of Value Propositions in Digital Books: A Social Constructivist Perspective, In Victor C. X. Wang (2015) Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods, Hershey: IGI
Sung, E and Ozuem, W (2015) Customer-Perceived Value of Medical Tourism, In Macolm Cooper, Kazem Vafadari, Mayumi Hieda (2015) Current Issues and Emerging Trends in Medical Tourism, Hershey: IGI
Bozhilov, M and Ozuem, W (2015) Organisational Structure in Small and Medium Enterprises, In Neeta Baporikar (2015) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary Knowledge-Based Global Economy, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2014) Reframing Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries: A Context-Driven Perspective, In Ariwa Ezendu (2014) Green Technology Applications for Enterprise and Academic Innovation, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Ansarin, M (2014) Social Media and online brand communities, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2014) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Borrelli, M (2014) Consumer attitudes toward online game purchases, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2014) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (2014) Social media and SMEs in transition countries, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2014) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Stokinger, E (2014) Social media and customer retention in the luxury fashion sector, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2014) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Yankova, I (2014) Social media and its implications for marketing communications, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2014) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Prasad, J (2014) Facets and Dimensions of social gambling, In Bowen, G and Ozuem, W (2015) Computer-mediated marketing strategies: social media and online brand communities, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Sarsby, N (2014) Value creation through heterogeneous cultural team- based environments: a multi-lens UK perspective, in Erbe, N (2014) Approaches to managing organisational diversity and innovation, Hershey; IGI- Global
Ozuem, W and O’Keffee, A (2014) Towards Leadership Marketing: An Exploratory and Empirical Study, In Irene Samanta (2014) Strategic Marketing in Fragile Economic Conditions, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Limb, N (2014) How is Internal Marketing Understood? An Examination of Stakeholder Perspective, In Irene Samanta (2014) Strategic Marketing in Fragile Economic Conditions, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Thomas, T (2014) Inside the Small Island Economies: Loyalty Strategies in the Telecommunications Sector, In Bryan Christiansen (2014) Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities, Herhey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Prasad, J (2014) Differences that Matter: A New Framework for Evaluating Marketing Communication Effectiveness in Online Social Gambling, in R. Gulay Ozturk (2014) Handbook of Research on the Impact of Culture and Society on the Entertainment Industry, Hershey: IGI
Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2014) Service failure and recovery strategies in on-line environments, Hershey (USA): Idea Group, In Ali Ghorbani (2014) Marketing in Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends, Hershey: Idea Group
Ozuem, W (2014) Classroom Questioning: Transitioning to Learners' centred questions, In Victor Wang (2014) Andragogical and Pedagogical Methods for Curriculum and Programme Development, Hersey: IGI Global
Ozuem, W and Tan, K (20 14) Reconciling Social Media with Luxury Fashion Brands: An exploratory study. In Aiello, L (2013) Management of Cultural Products: E-Relationship Marketing and Accessibility Perspective. Hershey: IGI Publications
Ozuem, W and Lancaster, G (2012) Technology-induced customer services in the developing countries, in N. Delener (2012) Service Science Research, Strategy, and Innovation: Dynamic Knowledge Management Methods, Hershey USA: IGI GLOBAL
Ozuem, W, Howell, K, and Lancaster, G (2011) From Monolithic model to omnidirectional model: A revolution in Interaction, in E. Biakolo, J.T Tsaaior, Tam-George, A and Agina, A (eds) Journalism and New Media Technologies in Africa, Lagos: Concept Publications (ISBN: 9788406874)
Conference papers and Proceedings
Ozuem, W, Ranfagni, S, Willis, M and Rovai, S (2021) User-generated content, service failure and recovery strategies in the fashion industry: the need for a hybrid approach, American Marketing Association, Floria: USA
Ozuem, W, Willis, M and Ng, R (2020) How do online brand communities generate customer loyalty in the fashion industry? European Marketing Academy conference, Budapest, Hungary
Rovai, S, Rafangni, S, Ozuem, W and Willis, M (2020) Fashion luxuriousness in advertising: the role of made in Italy and heritage on the new face of luxury, Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (GAMMA) conference, Gyeongnam, South Korea
Ozuem, W, Willis, M and Ng, R (2020) Determinants of online brand communities’ and millennials’ characteristics: Towards a re-conceptualisation, American Marketing Association, San Francisco
Azemi, Y and Ozuem, W (2019) The effect of severity of negative word of mouth (ewom): an aggression –frustration perspective, American Marketing Association conference, Chicago
Ozuem, W and Rafangni, V (2019) Fashion Luxury Brands and Digital Ecosystems: A New Strategic Frontier, Innovative Development of E-commerce and Logistics, ICIDEL, Zhengzhou, China
Md Nazmul Islam and Ozuem, W (2019) The impact of social media on social entrepreneurship in a developing country, 24th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford
Appiah, D and Ozuem, W (2019) Effects of Innovative Patterns of Smartphones on Brand Switching, , 24th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford
Rai, D and Ozuem, W (2019) Exploring the relationship between online service failure, recovery strategies and customer satisfaction, 24th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford
Appiah, D and Ozuem, W (2019) Brand Switching: Background to Contestable Customer-Brand Relationships, , In N. Delener et al (2017) Changing business environment: gamechangers, opportunities and risks, GBATA Book proceedings
Xu, J and Ozuem, W (2018) Bridging the Virtual and the Real: Social Media and customer Engagement in the Luxury Fashion Brands, 4th Innovative Development of E-commerce and Logistics, ICIDEL, Zhengzhou, China
Appiah, D, Ozuem, W and Howell, K (2017) Brand Switching in the Smartphone Industry: A Preliminary Study, In N. Delener et al (2017) Changing business environment: gamechangers, opportunities and risks, GBATA Book proceedings (ISBN: 1-932917-13-6)
Ayertey, S & Ozuem, W (2017) Linking Service Failures to Customer Satisfactions, In N. Delener et al (2017) Changing business environment: gamechangers, opportunities and risks, GBATA Book proceedings (ISBN: 1-932917-13-6)
Patten, E & Ozuem, W (2017) The Notion of Omni-Channel Retailing in the Fashion
Industry, In N. Delener et al (2017) Changing business environment: gamechangers, opportunities and risks, GBATA Book proceedings (ISBN: 1- 932917-13-6)
Azemi, Y. and Ozuem, W. (2017) Online service failure and recovery strategies: A justice theory perspective’, Indiana Academy of Social Sciences Annual Conference, Indiana (USA)
Ozuem, W, Appiah, D and Howell, K (2016) Towards a Sustainable Brand Loyalty: Attitudinal Loyalty Perspective. In N. Delener et al (2016) Exceeding the vision: innovate, integrate and innovate (ISBN: 1-932917- 12-8)
Ozuem W and Helal, G (2016) The Dynamics of Social Media in the Fashion Industry: The Case of the Millennial Generation. In N. Delener et al (2016) Exceeding the vision: innovate, integrate and innovate (ISBN: 1-932917- 12-8)
Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (2016) Service failure and recovery strategies: the mediating effects of social media, In N. Delener et al (2016) Exceeding the vision: innovate, integrate and innovate (ISBN: 1-932917- 12-8)
Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (2015) Towards an Intersectional Understanding of Online Service Failure and Recovery Strategies, GBATA conference, Lisbon Portugal
Ozuem, W and Duschek, W (2015) Creating and Sustaining Customer Value Through Servitization, GBATA conference, Lisbon Portugal
Ozuem, W and Prasad, J (2014) The two faces of online social gambling: theoretical implications for marketing communications, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN: 1-932917-10-1).
Ozuem, W and Thomas, T (2014) Inside the Small Islands Economies: Loyalty Strategies in the Telecommunications Sector, In Christiansen, B (2014) Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities
Ozuem, W and Borelli, M (2014) A Tale of Two Platforms: Online And Offline Video Games, (IMDA conference) Shift in global competitiveness, markets and consumers: Is management prepared for a new business paradigm, International Management Development Association conference (Ankara, Turkey)
Ozuem, W and Stokinger, E (2014) The interplay of social media and customer retention, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Ansarin, M (2014) Forget me not: the impact of social media on the luxury fashion sector, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and de Leon, A (2014) Managing Diversity in a volatile environment: women in upper positions, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Sung, E (2014) An empirical analysis of the determinants of medical tourism: South Korean perspective, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (2014) Social media and SMEs: The drivers of success for market expansion in transition economies, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Stokinger, E (2014) Unlocking Social Media as Customer Retention Asset, (IMDA conference) Shift in global competitiveness, markets and consumers: Is management prepared for a new business paradigm, International Management Development Association conference (Ankara, Turkey)
Ozuem, W, and Yankova, I (2014) Implications of social media for marketing Communications, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Bozhilov, M (2014) The Role of Organisational structure in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in relation to organisational performance, In Delener, N (2014) Managing in an interconnected world: pioneering business and technology excellence, GBATA (ISBN:1-932917-10-1)
Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (2013) Social media in transition economies: the case of Kosovo, in Public Policies and the Environment for Business Development in Regional Countries (Globus College of International Management, Kovoso).
Ozuem, W and Ansarin, M (2013) Perceived prevalence of social media on brand image: a theoretical and empirical investigation of the luxury fashion industry, In Delener, N (2013) Globalising Business for the Next Century: Visualising and developing contemporary approaches to harness future opportunities (ISBN: 1-932917-09-8)
Ozuem, W and Tan, K (2013) An Integrative View of Social Media and Brand Perceptions: A Theoretical Orientation, In Delener, N (2013) Globalising Business for the Next Century: Visualising and developing contemporary approaches to harness future opportunities (ISBN: 1-932917-09-8)
Ozuem, W and Bakam, V (2013) The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on the Evolution of The Nigerian Airline Industry, In Delener, N (2013) Globalising Business for the Next Century: Visualising and developing contemporary approaches to harness future opportunities (ISBN: 1-932917-09-8
Ozuem, W and Glazyrina, E (2013) Social media engagement and effectiveness on branding: a theoretical orientation, In Delener, N (2013) Globalising Business for the Next Century: Visualising and developing contemporary approaches to harness future opportunities (ISBN: 1-932917-09-8)
Ozuem, W and Khor, S (2012) Performance Implications of Packaging on Consumer Behaviour: Theoretical Orientation, in Delener (2012) Mapping the Global Future: Evolution Through Innovation and Excellence (ISBN: 193291708X)
Ozuem, W and Piscanu, I (2012) Understanding Customer relationship management and customer satisfaction in the Romanian Luxury Fashion Industry: A theoretical Perspective, in Delener (2012) Mapping the Global Future: Evolution Through Innovation and Excellence (ISBN: 193291708X)
Ozuem, W, Barham, J, and Lancaster, G (2012) Perspectives on Digital Divide in the Bookstores industry: A review and extension, in Delener (2012) Mapping the Global Future: Evolution Through Innovation and Excellence (ISBN: 193291708X)
Ozuem, W and Sandstrom, K (2012) Consider the Implications of Internal Marketing on Organisational Performance: the case of Swedish Firms, , in Delener (2012) Mapping the Global Future: Evolution Through Innovation and Excellence (ISBN: 193291708X)
Ozuem, W and O’Keefe (2012) The Role of Marketing in Leading Organisational Change: Prospects and Possibilities, in Delener (2012) Mapping the Global Future: Evolution Through Innovation and Excellence (ISBN: 193291708X)
Ozuem, W, Lancaster, G, and Letza. S (2011) Information Technology Adoption in Banks in Developing Countries, 20th Annual World Business Congress, Poznan Poland
Ozuem, W. and Tenjo, D (2011) Making Sense of Risk and Risk Prevention in Online Environments: A Theoretical Perspective, Global Business and Technology Association, Istanbul, Turkey
Ozuem, W. Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2009) Co-creating experiences in the evolving interactive Marketspace, Global Business and Technology Association (Czech Republic)
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2008) Conceptualising Teamwork in the computer-mediated environments, Global Business and Technology Association, Madrid (Spain)
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2007) Internet and Marketing Communications: Beyond Hypodermic model, Global Business and Technology Association, Taipei (Taiwan) Conference Proceedings
Ozuem, W, Howell, K and Lancaster, G (2006) Internet and WWW: Theoretical Perspectives for Marketing Communication, Global Business and Technology Association, Moscow (Russia) Conference Proceedings.
Invited talk/Keynote Lecture
Ozuem, W (2018) Bridging the Virtual and the Real: Social Media and customer Engagement in the Luxury Fashion Brands, Innovative Development of E-commerce and Logistics, Zhengzhou, China
Ozuem, W (2019) Differential Effects Of Online Brand Communities And Customer Loyalty In The Fashion Industry: An Empirical Investigation Of Millennials, Wem-Park, University of Florence, Italy
Ozuem, W (2015) Between the past and the future: E-commerce today in the Sub-Sahara African countries, Globus Kosovo
Ozuem, W (2016) Imagining an alternative digital divide: reflections on digital books, University of Tirana, Albania
Ozuem, W (2015) Decentring technology: computer-mediated customer services in the developing countries, University of Tirana, Albania
Ozuem, W (2014) Internet adoption in the emerging markets: challenges and barriers, Globus Kosovo
Ozuem, W (2011) Digital Marketing in the developing countries: prospects and challenges, Lagos Business School, Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria