MSc - Advanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship
Our course will enable you to practice at an advanced level, improve the care of patients, your leadership skills and your professional development.
You will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours of an Advanced Clinical Practitioner as identified in the Institute for Apprenticeships Standards for Advanced Practice.
This programme is accredited by the Centre of Advancing Practice.
Health Education England’s Centre for Advancing Practice has been established to standardise post-registration education by accrediting advanced practice courses that achieve the standards outlined in the multi-professional Advanced Practice Framework. Practitioners who have completed accredited education programmes will be eligible to be listed on the Centre’s Advanced Practice Directory. Programme accreditation from the Centre for Advancing Practice will bring a new level of consistency to the workforce and help showcase advanced practice within health and social care
Course Overview
The Apprenticeship Standard and Assessment Plan for the Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Level Apprenticeship have been designed by employers in the health care sector. The Degree Level Apprenticeship for the occupation Advanced Clinical Practitioner at the University of Cumbria leads to the academic award of MSc Advanced Clinical Practice.
You will normally study this programme over 3 years unless your personal training plan indicates otherwise. You will undertake 60 credits per year, which equates to one module per semester. Each module has been designed to take you through the pillars of practice set out within the apprenticeship standard and build your theoretical knowledge base and clinical skills. You will soon see how your academic and workplace learning are woven into the programme to enable you to integrate the new knowledge and clinical skills that enable you to become an advanced practitioner.
On this course you will...
- Demonstrate ability to systematically and holistically search for health needs at individual, family, group and community level.
- Use effective communication, negotiation and leadership skills in effective collaborative working with statutory, voluntary and private agencies..
- Undertake health assessment, screening and surveillance with individuals, families, groups and communities for health protection, prevention of ill-health and to promote health and well-being.
- Flexibility to easily blend academic study and work to enhance personal and career development
Online Learning
Online learning at the University of Cumbria is an interactive experience that makes use of a range of technologies and media types to provide a rich learning environment.
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