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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"September 2025","month":"September","year":2025},{"name":"September 2026","month":"September","year":2026},{"name":"September 2024","month":"September","year":2024}]}}

BSc (Hons) - Creative Digital Design Degree Apprenticeship

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What does this mean?

Kickstart your career in digital design with the BSc (Hons) Creative Digital Design Degree Apprenticeship. You'll gain hands-on experience while mastering key concepts in Creative Digital Development (CDD), from foundational knowledge to advanced expertise. This course equips you with critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, all while boosting your digital literacy. You’ll apply what you learn directly in the workplace, developing the full range of CDD professional competencies. By the time you graduate, you’ll be ready to tackle complex challenges and thrive in the fast-evolving digital design landscape.

Creative Digital Design Degree Apprenticeship  cover image

Course Overview

This course in Creative Digital Development (CDD) is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic digital industry. The programme combines theory with practical application, allowing students to gain hands-on experience while exploring key concepts in digital development, problem-solving, and workplace integration. Throughout the course, students will develop their digital literacy and professional competencies, with a focus on applying what they learn in real-world contexts. By integrating industry standards and practical projects, the course prepares graduates for careers in CDD, ensuring they have the expertise and adaptability required to succeed in diverse professional environments.

On this course you will...

  • Gain comprehensive skills in Creative Digital Development (CDD), combining theory with hands-on learning to meet current industry demands.
  • Graduate with the competencies and digital literacy highly valued by employers in the digital sector, thanks to the professional standard of this course.
  • Engage in practical projects and placements with local organizations, applying your knowledge in real-world settings to develop a strong professional portfolio.

Course Structure

What you will learn

Students will learn foundational to advanced concepts in Creative Digital Development (CDD), including how to apply digital tools and strategies to solve real-world problems. They will gain expertise in areas such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication, with a focus on integrating theoretical knowledge into practical settings. The course will also cover key industry concepts, research methods, and digital literacy, helping students become proficient in using technology for creative and professional purposes. Additionally, students will develop essential workplace skills, such as adapting to professional standards and working collaboratively on projects, preparing them for a career in the digital industry.


Modules at Level 4 are designed to provide a baseline of digital literacy, visual design, and creative skills, and to introduce you to the concept of developing a methodology based on user-centred design. You will start to explore and research the principles and vocabulary of CDD and how to apply them to create effective user experiences. You will also be involved with developing an appreciation of the underlying techniques involved in producing online work. As part of gaining a deeper understanding of the role of a CDD professional, how organisations are structured, and how CDD can add value to products and services, you will be able to investigate how design as an activity, and as a process, can be managed.


Modules at Level 5 are designed to provide opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge gained at Level 4, and to fully explore the philosophy and practicalities of working collaboratively with other professionals in multi-disciplinary teams. You will be able to understand the nature of how digital technology provides unlimited scope for innovation, and how best to harness innovation as a means of strategic business development. As part of your own professional development you will study techniques of leadership and how to influence project outcomes. You will continue to produce project-driven work, and learn how to plan and conduct more in-depth research on user behaviour and attitudes to inform your work, and more advanced techniques of evaluating the quality of your CDD solutions. You will also be exposed to discourse on issues of legislation and ethics that you will incorporate into your practice.


Modules at Level 6 are designed to provide opportunities to fully demonstrate and develop your skills and knowledge gained at Levels 4 and 5 in an advanced CDD project which you will self-manage. By this point you will be in a position to undertake a major piece of research work to generate a comprehensive Outline CDD Plan for a project agreed with your employer. You will then lead and project manage the implementation of that project. Finally, you will work though a module based around personal leadership, preparing for ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) , and final development of your apprenticeship Portfolio.

Attend an Open Day at Cumbria

An Open Day is your opportunity to explore one of 5 campuses, meet your lecturers, and find out how the University of Cumbria could become your new home.

Take the next step towards achieving your dreams.
A student stands in front of a wall splattered with paint.