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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"April 2025","month":"April","year":2025},{"name":"April 2026","month":"April","year":2026},{"name":"April 2024","month":"April","year":2024},{"name":"February 2025","month":"February","year":2025},{"name":"February 2026","month":"February","year":2026},{"name":"February 2024","month":"February","year":2024},{"name":"June 2025","month":"June","year":2025},{"name":"June 2026","month":"June","year":2026},{"name":"June 2024","month":"June","year":2024},{"name":"November 2025","month":"November","year":2025},{"name":"November 2026","month":"November","year":2026},{"name":"November 2024","month":"November","year":2024},{"name":"October 2025","month":"October","year":2025},{"name":"October 2026","month":"October","year":2026},{"name":"October 2024","month":"October","year":2024}]}}

BSc (Hons) - Paramedic Science (Degree Level Apprenticeship)

Upon successful completion, the BSc (Hons) in Paramedic Science programme will enable you to apply for registration as a Paramedic with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), and practice under the protected title of Paramedic.

The structure of the award has been developed through mapping against the HCPC Standards of Proficiency for registered paramedics, the Institute for apprenticeships and technical education’s paramedic standard, the Quality Assurance Agency's benchmark statements for Paramedic Science, and the College of Paramedics (CoP) 2019 Curriculum Framework Guidance.

The award recognises the broad knowledge, skills and behaviours required of a Paramedic, and incorporates a strong work-based learning component, with a skills framework mapped to the requirements of the role.

The BSc (Hons) in Paramedic Science sits within the Centre of Excellence in Paramedic Practice, as part of the Institute of Health.

Paramedic Science (Degree Level Apprenticeship) cover image

Course Overview

A Degree Apprenticeships combines vocational work-integrated learning with academic study, allowing you to study for a degree whilst you take part in practical, on the job training. The University of Cumbria is committed to offering practice-based learning, combined with robust employment-focused academic design and delivery, equipping you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to succeed in your chosen profession.

Learners will need to meet the accreditation of prior learning and all other entry requirements to join the programme at the start of level 5. The programme of study is delivered over a 24-month period through a blended learning delivery model that will see learners engaging with skills and simulation on site and theory in an online environment.

Assessments are balanced throughout our modules, using a variety of methods designed to not only reflect the diverse and evolving paramedic role, but to suit the diverse number of learning needs, styles and preferences of our learners.

Academic writing is an important part of the degree apprenticeship course. It allows learners to formalise their thinking and develop their critical appraisal skills, essential for the role of the modern paramedic. For those learners who may find the prospect of academic writing daunting, the University of Cumbria provides a wide range of academic support. Prospective applicants may want to consider early engagement in university support here.

It is recommended that learners have a laptop or PC to engage with all aspects of the programme while studying.

On this course you will...

  • Be supported by a paramedic academic team that have extensive experience in supporting learners with a range of academic abilities and educational backgrounds.
  • Be supported by a paramedic academic team that has expertise in delivering Technology Enhanced Learning to support both the work-based and theoretical aspects of the course.
  • Be supported by a personal tutor who will work closely with you as you progress through your studies, including conducting progress reviews with yourself and your employer.
  • Be provided hours for independent study both within the curriculum and by your employer.
  • Be provided with an iPad so you can access your programme of study remotely, including all practice assessment documents which will be needed in the clinical practice environment.
  • Be provided with a wide range of support services, including academic support, personalised librarian support providing award-winning electronic skills, IT support, mental health and wellbeing services and many more.

Course Structure

What you will learn

This programme has been validated by the Health and Care Professions Council and is aligned to the appropriate regulatory standards issued by the Health and Care Professions Council.

To ensure our programme provides you with a relevant and current knowledge base, the design of this programme is aligned to the College of Paramedics (2019) Curriculum Guidance 5th edition, following a spiral curriculum.

Applicants must meet the level 4 learning outcomes of the programme to commence study in Year 2 (Level 5). Here critical thinking and analysis skills are built upon, with learners developing their own academic and professional identity whilst exploring Evidence Based Practice and beginning to critically analyse evidence and literature.

In year 3 (level 6) learners will develop further and be able taught to critically evaluate, synthesis and draw their own conclusions from existing evidence. This will aid in the building of confidence as autonomous registered health care professionals.

Year two

Critical thinking and analysis skills are built upon, with learners developing their own academic and professional identity whilst exploring Evidence Based Practice and beginning to critically analyse evidence and literature.

  • Developing Person Centred Care in Paramedic Practice 2
    This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of person-centred care and the relevant underpinning theories and evidence base which informs person centred care. You will explore a range of maladaptive changes that occur in commonly seen and commonly encountered medical and traumatic presentations and holistic management strategies across the lifespan.
  • Research Methods
    This module aims to develop your understanding of evidence-based research in paramedic practice. You will learn an array of knowledge and skills to equip you to develop your research proposal and undertake a research project.
  • Clinical Practice 2
    This module will enable you to undertake a period of development in practice and to be summatively assessed as competent in a range of expected professional values, skills and competencies for the developing paramedic, as identified in your year two clinical practice assessment documentation. You will develop your skills and understanding of effective patient care and decision-making.
  • Social Health and Behavioural Sciences
    This module will develop your understanding of societal health determinants, key health and social care policies that shape and influence paramedic practice. You will review and understand global health systems and explore the influence of politics and economics on the health care system.
  • Professionalism, Law and Ethics
    This module will further develop your understanding of leadership theories and develop and understand your own leadership skills. You will develop your knowledge of ethics and law and the relationship between the two; You will also develop your understanding of culture, and the importance of a culture of transparency and openness.
Year three

Learners will be taught how to critically evaluate, synthesise, and draw their own conclusions from existing evidence. This will aid in the building of confidence as autonomous registered health care professionals.

  • Dissertation
    This module will allow you to demonstrate your ability to work independently to produce a small research-based project, on a negotiated topic, within the sphere of paramedic practice.
  • Contemporary Issues in Paramedicine
    This module will explore contemporary issues related to paramedic practice. You will develop your understanding of dealing with and leading complex situations including unplanned and unexpected death across the lifespan. This will include working across and with various multi-disciplinary teams in complex scenarios.
  • Clinical Practice 3
    This module will enable you to undertake a period of development in practice and to be summatively assessed as competent in a range of expected professional values, skills and competencies as you develop as an autonomous clinician. This module will develop your autonomous management and decision making in complex and unpredictable patient encounters.
  • Understanding Primary Care
    This module will advance your knowledge of the structure and function of primary and urgent care structures and how a paramedic functions within these systems.
  • Leadership and Management
    This module will develop your understanding and skills in leadership and mentorship as you move towards completion of the programme. You will develop your ability to lead complex situations and how best to lead and manage the people in your team. The module will develop your understanding of change management, quality improvement processes, clinical governance and professional regulation.

Attend an Open Day at Cumbria

An Open Day is your opportunity to explore one of 5 campuses, meet your lecturers, and find out how the University of Cumbria could become your new home.

Take the next step towards achieving your dreams.
A student stands in front of a wall splattered with paint.