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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"January 2025","month":"January","year":2025},{"name":"January 2026","month":"January","year":2026},{"name":"January 2024","month":"January","year":2024},{"name":"September 2025","month":"September","year":2025},{"name":"September 2026","month":"September","year":2026},{"name":"September 2024","month":"September","year":2024}]}}

BSc (Hons) - Youth Work Degree Apprenticeship

Are you eager to learn about Youth Work and the opportunities for enabling young people? Do you have an appetite to ensure young people have a voice in their communities?

This programme offers you the opportunity to engage and learn in a peer learning environment with Youth Workers from across the country, sharing learning, research, and opportunities through a blended approach. Using digital technology as well as traditional methods you will connect with Youth Workers to engage and reflect on your practice aligning to the Youth Work National Occupational Standards making connections for life.

This apprenticeship is a work-based training programme for people employed for at least 30 hours a week in a Youth Work setting. With a mixture of on-the-job and off-the-job training you will acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviours to meet the occupational duties of a professional Youth Worker.

This Apprenticeship programme is designed to support the development of Youth Workers, supporting both apprentices and employers within the ever-developing context of the Youth Work sector. The programme team have worked alongside the Youth Work sector and through extensive consultation developed an Apprenticeship programme that fits the need of the sector and key stakeholders.

Youth Work Degree Apprenticeship cover image

Course Overview

The programme curriculum is underpinned by and aligns to the National Youth Agency (Professional, Statutory and Regulatory body for Youth Work) guidance, the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Youth Work and Apprenticeship standards.
The curriculum and modules reflect the co-design process with employers, workforce and young people, all experts in the field of Youth Work. Each academic year will begin with a week-long residential on campus with face-to-face teaching for each module during that week. Throughout each semester there will be online teaching plus one to one tutorials.

The programme has been designed in consultation with the Youth Work sector and young people. We aim to ensure you get the best possible experience that you in turn can embed into your working environment. The academic year is three terms, developing an approach that scaffolds your learning and at each stage, so you are able to develop your skills and reflect on that learning in your role. There are three professional practice placements totalling 1000 hours, one placement will take place within a different project, which may be within your current organisation or an external organisation. We will work with you and the employer to agree this.

The placements are supported by professional practitioners who will support with the assessment of the placement against the National Occupational Standards.

In your final year, you will prepare to submit and complete an End Point Assessment (EPA), within this process you will be fully supported to be assessed against the Apprentice standards requirements and build a portfolio of evidence.

This programme is Validated by the National Youth Agency (NYA).

On this course you will...

  • Enhance your practice and behaviours within a Youth Work context and in turn develop the culture of the organisation you are working within.
  • Increase your understanding of Youth Work development through diverse range of sectors and share learning with colleagues from across the county.
  • Expose your curiosity of social policy and the impact on the communities within which you work.
  • Broaden your application of the Youth Work curriculum and the principles of Youth Work as applied in your practice.

Course Structure

What you will learn

You will learn through a combination of academic taught sessions and practical reflective application, developing your knowledge of the key elements of Youth Work principles and values. You will learn about the four cornerstones of youth work which have in turn have been influential in the Youth Work curriculum: education, equality, empowerment and participation.

You will be taught by a team of Youth Work academics who have grounded Youth Work practice in their specialist field as well as extensive experience as frontline Youth Workers.

Each module aligns with the Apprentice standards and National Occupational standards.

Year one

At level four you will have the opportunity to develop academic and reflective practice alongside your skills delivering face to face Youth Work. You will professionally and academically explore the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships, your personal and professional values and principles and how these impact on your own practice. An analysis of relevant social; and political practices that impact on the Youth Work sector. The development of informal education and the relevance it has in relation to Youth Work.

  • Developing Academic Writing and Reflective Practice
    The module will enable you to develop study skills that will enhance your ability to develop as a reflective life-long learner.
  • The Relational Youth Worker
    This module explores the ever-changing dynamics of effective Youth Work and critically examines both face to face and online delivery encompassing a broad and diverse range of Youth Work. The importance of effective multi -agency work on positive relationships in youth work is examined. You will be given the theory needed to design and deliver a targeted Youth Work session. The importance of young people’s participation is explored giving you the opportunity to co-produce session content with the young people you are working with.
  • Informal Educational Principles
    This module examines the history of informal education in Youth Work and enables students to analyse the potential impact effective informal education has through a series of theory based lectures which students are then encouraged to apply to their practice. Students will have the opportunity to explore legal, regulatory and ethical requirements of Youth Work and evidence how this can effectively engage and empower young people.
  • Values and Principles in Youth Work
    This module will equip you with valuable knowledge of values and principles in Youth Work. A broad range of academic theory related to values and principles will enable you to identify the origins and impact of individual values and principles and explore how this impacts on your practice. Understanding of how to effectively empower young people to identify their own emerging values and principles.
  • Social and Political Influences on Policy and Practice
    This module will enable you to identify and consider the influences legislative, social, political and policy can have on the lives of individuals, families, and communities. In studying for this module you will identify the ways in which these factors have been seen to influence practice and consider how to develop the skills and knowledge required to work within these challenges.
Year two

During the second year you will expand your face-to-face delivery skills and develop your practice delivering a Youth Work curriculum During year two you will build upon your academic skills by undertaking research in a negotiated learning module. You will also research relevant contemporary issues within Youth Work and examine impacts and outcomes of Youth Work. Review of Collective Action and group Youth Work as well as equality, diversity and equity in practice with application to practice. You will commence your 160 hour alternative placement this will in addition to your current workplace. This placement will be linked to your modules to ensure you meet the KSB requirements for this level.

  • Contemporary Issues: Targeted and Universal Curricula in Youth Work
    This module will provide the opportunity to research a contemporary issue related to youth work chosen by yourself. Over the course of the module, you will be introduced to a range of issues which will support you to select a research topic which enables you to respond to all four learning outcomes. Through guided research you will analyse your chosen issue and explore related legislation and policy alongside practice-based interventions. This will support logical recommendations that have the potential to improve practice in the field.
  • Impact and Outcomes in Youth Work
    It is becoming increasingly important to be able to measure impacts and outcomes in Youth Work, however as youth work covers such a broad range of activities measuring impacts and outcomes has proved difficult with no universal measurement in place. This module enables you to explore academic theory related to this whilst examining a range of measures of effectiveness alongside practice-based Youth Work. You will have the opportunity to make recommendations for practice based upon your findings in your summative assessment which will equip you with skills needed for evidencing impacts and outcomes in your own practice.
  • Equality, Diversity and Equity in Practice
    The module will encourage you to consider your own values and ethics and reflect upon their impact on the behaviour and attitudes of yourself and others. The module will explore and analyse various presentations of oppressive and discriminatory practice and consider responses which challenge these.
  • Collective Action and Group Work
    This module will enable you to explore one of the pillars of effective Youth Work, collective action and group work. Social justice and contemporary issues from Youth Work will form the foundations of this module and your will be given the opportunity to explore how active participation and collective action can potentially impact and create changes in the lives of young people.
  • Negotiated Learning
    The module will allow you to extend your knowledge and understanding in an area of study that complements previous experience and learning, within an alternative placement setting.This module provides you with an exciting opportunity to identify and study an area of professional interest in greater depth. Your proposal and assignment content will be negotiated between you, your employer and a designated subject tutor ensuring that you can focus your study to achieve a deeper level of knowledge and understanding in that area. Your designated subject tutor will then provide you with tutorial support. A learning contract will be drawn up that requires you to identify your personal aims and agreed assessment activities. These will be linked to the module learning outcomes. This module will be linked to your alternative placement of 160 hours and support you in developing your knowledge in another field of Youth Work. Your tutor will assist you in identifying key learning resources related to the area of study.
Year three

In final year there is a shift towards you as a manager and leader, whilst continuing to develop the face to face and curriculum knowledge and skills. Year three will allow you to further develop your academic and research skills You will explore management and leadership theory and apply to your own practice as well as creating your own funding bid to understand and participate in realistic sector tasks. It during level 6 that you will complete the modules associated with the end point assessment. 

  • Youth Work as a Collaborative Practice
    The aim of this module is to explore the importance of collaborative working in partnership with young people and stake holders.
  • Leadership and Change
    The aim of this module is to provide you with the opportunity to examine issues of quality management and leadership for change within your area of practice.
  • Funding Youth Work: Value and Values
    To explore the complexity of funding for Youth Work and the relationship between funding and the values of the profession. To understand funding in the context of: project, operational, organisational development and strategy. To understand the nuances of funding in different organisations; third, voluntary, statutory, charitable, and the range of staff they engage (i.e. volunteers and paid staff).
  • Managing Self and Others
    The aim of this module is to support the development of your leadership and management skills to enable you to manage effectively in Youth work settings.
  • Professional Development
    This module will help you reflect and consolidate your professional knowledge and skills and shape your professional knowledge as you prepare for End Point Assessment.
  • End Point Assessment
    This module will enable you to complete the end-point assessment for the Youth worker Higher Level Apprenticeship.
  • Youth Worker Apprenticeship Gateway
    The aim of the qualificatory practice unit is to recognise the completion of all the required gateway evidence for the apprenticeship standard, in order for apprentices to proceed to the End Point Assessment.

    The End Point Assessment for this apprenticeship is the final University Assessment Board.

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