University Certificate - Project Scope Baseline Management
Managing projects to the agreed scope, time, budget and quality requirements is essential to industry. This course looks at the concept of establishing a baseline for expected performance in terms of projects within a programme environment in order to maximise the benefits. You will gain knowledge in relation to best practice in project scope management and establishing the project baseline.
Aligned to the Association of Project Management’s Body of Knowledge 7th edition and delivered by our highly experienced project management team, this programme provides you with the technical skills and contextual knowledge to contribute to effective scope management and successful project delivery.
Incorporating three 20-credit modules, this programme will explore the core activities of establishing and managing the project baseline and its role in successfully delivering project outcomes and allowing benefits to be realised. You will develop an understanding of the extended project lifecycle and the relationship between projects, programmes and portfolios in the context of the project baseline, and acquire the skills for baseline definition, control and management.
Delivery is online utilising a mix of synchronous and asynchronous techniques. Live discussions with your tutor, interspersed with guided self-study (sometimes group, sometimes individual) take place on a fixed day each week. Beyond the scheduled delivery you are free to engage with e-learning materials in your own time, at your own pace to take advantage of the additional learning materials that are available. Through the programme sessions you will explore the tools and techniques for determining and analysing project requirements, setting the scope baseline, and refining solutions through value engineering. You will explore how projects, and particularly scope, is managed within the broader context of the programme and portfolio and the evolution of scope baseline management throughout the project life cycle.
Delivered by our highly experienced academic team and featuring a range of case studies and guest lectures, this programme incorporates learning and best practice from a diverse range of industries with examples from the IT, health, military, engineering, and nuclear sectors.

- Explain how projects, programmes and portfolios relate to each other, and the roles and accountabilities in a project and programme environment.
- Define project scope and describe the process of developing solutions to establish the baseline.
- Explain the concept of value engineering and its importance in solutions development.
- Explain the importance of requirements analysis, verification and validation in a project and programme context.
- Explain the importance of estimating and cost benchmarking when establishing the project baseline and describe cost and schedule management within the context of projects.
Delivered over one university semester using a day release model, this University Certificate in Project Scope Baseline Management features three 20-credit modules designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in planning and delivering projects.
How you will learn
Learning takes place through the delivery of content using a lecture and discussion style. In between the delivery of theory there will be individual or group activities that are designed to develop your understanding of the topics being taught. The learning materials will all be provided through the University's Virtual Learning Environment so that leaners can read ahead or look back at topics that have already been covered.
How you will be assessed
There are a range of assessments on the programmes such as tests (of knowledge and application of skills) and written work. Two of the modules have two pieces of assessed work and the final module just has a single piece of assessed work.
Whilst previous study at A-Level or even University would be beneficial, there are no specific qualifications for entry to the programme. Given the vocational nature of the programme it is expected that applicants will be working in a project related role or are taking this course to enable them to move into such a role.
This course is usually delivered to closed cohorts from employers where the employers have selected employees who will benefit from this study.
CPD Pricing Structure
Tuition fees are set annually and are subject to review each year. The University may therefore raise tuition fees in the second or subsequent years of a course, in line with inflation and/or the maximum permitted by law or government policy. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible.
Online Learning
Online learning at the University of Cumbria is an interactive experience that makes use of a range of technologies and media types to provide a rich learning environment.
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