Certificate - Emergency Care of Women and Children (level 6)
This module aims to enhance knowledge and critical understanding of the normal physiology of paediatric demographics and the woman during pregnancy and labour. Explore the underpinning evidence base of clinical management and assessment skills in emergency situations pertaining to paediatric, maternal, and newborn patients, considering the family care context and multi-disciplinary teams.
Students will be supported in developing their knowledge and understanding of these patient cohorts through learning materials, live tutorials and engaging in case-based submissions. The module is set up to support the student’s ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice in multiple perspectives, to understand the basis of clinical assessment and evidence-based management.

- Develop skills that allow you to practice as a confident and competent clinician in the identification and management of the sick or injured paediatric patient and maternal & newborn patient cohorts.
- Study online, with the ability to bring your own clinical practice into your learning environment alongside other healthcare professionals in their fields of practice.
- Enhance your own clinical expertise and professional development from the comfort of wherever you like to study, at a time that suits you.
- Be involved in a stimulating and challenging academic and scholarly environment for you to advance your academic and professional development.
The topics covered in this module include:
- Normal anatomy & physiology of paediatrics throughout childhood
- Normal physiology of pregnancy and labour
- Assessment & management of paediatric patients throughout childhood
- Assessment and management of maternal & newborn presentations
- Identification of life-threatening emergencies in these patient cohorts
To be eligible to study the module, you must be working in an appropriate healthcare environment and hold prior successful study at level 5 or above.
20 Credit Health Module Pricing
Tuition fees are set annually and are subject to review each year. The University may therefore raise tuition fees in the second or subsequent years of a course, in line with inflation and/or the maximum permitted by law or government policy. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible.
Online Learning
Online learning at the University of Cumbria is an interactive experience that makes use of a range of technologies and media types to provide a rich learning environment.
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