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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"January 2025","month":"January","year":2025},{"name":"January 2026","month":"January","year":2026},{"name":"January 2024","month":"January","year":2024}]}}

Module - Health Surveillance and Toxicology

This module aims to give you the detailed knowledge of the requirements for health surveillance and systematic critical understanding of the practice of health surveillance in the workplace, including the limitations of screening processes in the detection of occupational disease. The module will give you an understanding of toxicology applied to your workplace. You will gain a critical overview of how the human body is systemically affected by toxic substances and how these effects can be avoided or minimised by risk assessment, environmental monitoring and occupational hygiene, personal monitoring and health surveillance.

Health Surveillance and Toxicology  cover image

Course Overview

The module will introduce you to the different legal requirements for providing health surveillance in the workplace and the different methods of surveillance in relation to a variety of occupational exposures. Potential routes of exposure, such as respiratory, dermal and ingestion will be considered.
This module will cover toxicological exposure, and how it affects specific human physiological systems. You will be introduced to the concepts of risk assessment and the role of occupational health where there are employees and others working with toxic substances

On this course you will...

  • Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and systematic critical understanding of the legal requirements for conducting health surveillance in the workplace.
  • Critically explain the appropriateness of a particular form of health surveillance, in relation to a specific occupational exposure, emphasising the quality assurance systems and processes used for this type of surveillance.
  • Critically evaluate the effects of a given toxicological substance on the human body.
  • Critically analyse how learning from this module has transformed your understanding of your practice.

Course Structure

What you will learn

You will learn about health surveillance in the workplace, legal requirements and risk assessment. It will give an introduction to toxicology and allow shared learning with other OH practitioners, so that a broad understanding of health surveillance in multiple settings is contextualised.

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