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Practice Development

Practice development framework

Our framework comprises tailor-made continuing professional development (CPD) for all health care professionals including nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, radiographers, paramedics as well as non-qualified staff working in the health and social care sector.

What are practice development courses?

  • Tailor your own programme of study rather than opting for a traditional degree
  • Study single modules, short courses or full programmes of study
  • Flexible delivery - distance learning or on-campus study
  • Study on a part-time or full-time basis
  • Bring in credits from other courses you have studied

There are different and flexible funding options available – with the option to pay on a module by module basis or via a student loan.

Overview of the practice development framework

Courses within this framework can be studied at a variety of levels, meaning that they are suitable for people from a wide range of educational backgrounds. The framework builds on prior learning so that you can bring in credits from other courses you may have studied.

We have many courses available at undergraduate and postgraduate level with many offering named pathway options. Use our full course search to see the full range of Practice Development options available;


You can also select from a range of bespoke negotiated and work-based learning modules which are tailored to individual and professional development needs. These bespoke modules can be used to evidence learning that is taking place within your workplace.


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