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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"January 2025","month":"January","year":2025},{"name":"January 2026","month":"January","year":2026},{"name":"January 2024","month":"January","year":2024},{"name":"September 2025","month":"September","year":2025},{"name":"September 2026","month":"September","year":2026},{"name":"September 2024","month":"September","year":2024}]}}

University Award - Independent/Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V300) - Level 6

Application Form

Please download and fill out the

Independent Supplementary Prescribing Application Form

This is an exciting programme of study which will prepare nurses and midwives to be eligible to apply for annotation to the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and to practise as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary Prescriber (V300).

Prescribing by nurses and midwives has evolved to offer better access to medicines and to optimise the skills and expertise of nurses in the provision of care. Where appropriate, nurses and midwives are able to complete episodes of care, whilst also enhancing their role within the team. Patients evaluate their experience of Nurse Independent prescribing positively. Students frequently report that the course is probably the most challenging they have undertaken since their pre-registration programme, but also the most rewarding.

With the aim of supporting the development of knowledge, understanding and skills for safe, appropriate and cost-effective prescribing, the programme consists of 40 credits of learning at Level 6. Students complete 26 days of scheduled learning and teaching which combine attendance for face-to-face, in-class work and the remainder are delivered more flexibly online supported by the VLE and e-learning approaches, and also complete 12 days equivalent (90 hours) of learning in the environment of the student’s future clinical practice as a prescriber.

As a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary (V300) prescriber in training, you are actively facilitated to apply and integrate your existing and developing professional knowledge and understanding within your clinical practice. This provides an educational experience which seeks to support the development of your clinical practice in your current environment as well as supporting future development.

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Independent/Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V300) - Level 6 cover image

The overall aim of the programme is to provide a learning environment that supports registered nurses and midwives to develop as competent prescribers who are then eligible to apply for annotation on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Nurse or Midwife Prescriber Independent/Supplementary prescriber (V300).

Learning outcomes for the programme are designed to support the achievement of all competencies set out in the RPS (2016) A competency framework for all prescribers. The learning outcomes and competencies can be applied to the four identified fields of nursing practice (adult, mental health, learning disabilities and children’s nursing) as well as to specialist community public health nursing.

We seek to create a stimulating and innovative community of learning, whether encountered on campus or at a distance, or in the learning environment of your clinical practice. The programme is undertaken alongside pharmacists and allied health professionals also seeking to prescribe in accordance with the legal permissions afforded to them. We meet regularly with Non-Medical Prescribing Leads and Practice Assessors and Supervisors to ensure that the programme maintains its relevance to the constantly evolving environment of healthcare. The programme team includes academic staff who continue to work in practice.

You will be encouraged to consider the perspectives of people as experts (including patients, service users and carers) as an integral part of the programme thus also facilitating the implementation of learning in practice in ways that improve clinical outcomes for patients and quality of experience as a consequence of your prescribing role.

The roles of the Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor are central to the contextualisation of professional knowledge within your clinical practice.

Applicants identify a Practice Assessor who is a registered healthcare professional and an experienced prescriber with suitable equivalent qualifications for the programme. The role of the Practice Assessor is to support the period of learning, supervision and assessment in clinical practice, and they must be able to demonstrate the competencies identified for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2019). Applicants also identify a Practice Supervisor who will have current knowledge and experience of the learning environment in which they will be providing supervision and feedback for learning and supporting progress towards achievement of the proficiencies and skills required to complete the programme successfully.

It is important to note that the Practice Assessor must be able to confirm that they are sufficiently impartial to the outcome for the applicant and wherever possible, should not be the same person sponsoring them to undertake the programme. In addition, it is an expectation of the Nursing and Midwifery Council that it is only in exceptional circumstances that the same person would fulfil the role of Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor. Further specific guidance for self-employed and/or independent practitioner applicants is embedded within the application form.

All students are assigned an Academic Assessor to support students in the academic environment and to support the Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor as well as the students in the learning and assessment process in practice.



Formative assessment is an important feature within the programme and provides specific opportunities for tutors to support your successful achievement of the programme Learning Outcomes by providing individualised and meaningful feedback to inform your ‘next steps’ in the development of your academic work and encourage the existing strengths in your work. Your Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor also provide formative learning opportunities and feedback in the practice environment.

The summative assessments for this programme are:

  1. a practical skills assessment which involves the completion of a record of learning and the demonstration of the competencies identified for all prescribers (RPS, 2016). This assessment is undertaken by your Practice Assessor whose decisions are informed by feedback sought and received from the Practice Supervisor and takes place in the context of your clinical practice;
  2. a viva voce and practical examination undertaken in the University;
  3. a pharmacology exam;
  4. a numeracy assessment undertaken by exam;
  5. completion of a written assessment which requires the demonstration of knowledge and understanding applied to the practice area in identified programme Learning Outcomes.

All entry criteria must be met in full prior to programme commencement. Entry requirements include:

  • submission of a fully completed application form;
  • current registration as a nurse (level 1) or midwife - this will be checked on receipt of the application form;
  • registration with the NMC for a minimum of one year prior to application for entry to the programme;
  • evidence of a satisfactory enhanced disclosure clearance (DBS) within three years of the programme start date. Responsibility for application to the DBS rests with the programme applicant and is applied for by his/her employer;
  • the academic ability to study at the level required for the programme;
  • the ability to practise safely and effectively at a level of proficiency appropriate to the programme and their intended area of prescribing practice in the following areas: clinical/health assessment, diagnostics/care management, planning and evaluation of care;
  • identification of a Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor who meet the criteria for eligibility to undertake these roles;
  • that appropriate clinical governance arrangements are in place for practice as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary Prescriber (V300)


To be confirmed.

Tuition Fees Policy

Tuition fees are set annually and are subject to review each year. The University may therefore raise tuition fees in the second or subsequent years of a course, in line with inflation and/or the maximum permitted by law or government policy. Students will be notified of any changes as soon as possible.

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