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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"April 2025","month":"April","year":2025},{"name":"April 2026","month":"April","year":2026},{"name":"April 2024","month":"April","year":2024},{"name":"January 2025","month":"January","year":2025},{"name":"January 2026","month":"January","year":2026},{"name":"January 2024","month":"January","year":2024},{"name":"September 2025","month":"September","year":2025},{"name":"September 2026","month":"September","year":2026},{"name":"September 2024","month":"September","year":2024}]}}

Certificate - Professional Nurse Advocate

This M level module prepares registered nurses to achieve the standards and competencies required to undertake the role of Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA).

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Professional Nurse Advocate cover image

Course Overview

In achieving the standard and competencies required to undertake the role of the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA), you will use the A-EQUIP model to synthesise how the role of Professional Nurse Advocate will be deployed.

You will contribute to the evidence base to demonstrate added value of the Professional Nurse Advocate and the A-EQUIP model to the service, organisation and profession, and critically analyse how learning from this module has transformed your understanding of your practice.

On this course you will...

  • Explore the A-EQUIP model, including the background to the development of the model and policy drivers.
  • Examine leadership qualities and theories including leadership challenges.
  • Consider how the PNA role facilitates quality improvement.
  • Discover adult learning styles, restorative clinical supervision and compassionate resilience.
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Course Structure

What you will learn

Learning will focus on clinical supervision; monitoring, evaluation and quality control; personal action for quality improvement; education and development. A portfolio of evidence will be developed around the four main learning topics. The portfolio will be supported by completion of a work-based learning competency profile.

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A student stands in front of a wall splattered with paint.