University AwardIndependent / Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V300) - Level 7

Approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

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Key course details

Duration Part-time, 16-24 weeks
Start date January and September
Entry Requirements Programme specification (PDF)
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 Application Form

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Independent Supplementary Prescribing Application Form


This is an exciting programme of study which will prepare nurses and midwives to be eligible to apply for annotation to the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and to practise as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary Prescriber (V300).

Prescribing by nurses and midwives has evolved to offer better access to medicines and to optimise the skills and expertise of nurses in the provision of care. Where appropriate, nurses and midwives are able to complete episodes of care, whilst also enhancing their role within the team. Patients evaluate their experience of Nurse Independent prescribing positively. Students frequently report that the course is probably the most challenging they have undertaken since their pre-registration programme, but also the most rewarding.

With the aim of supporting the development of knowledge, understanding and skills for safe, appropriate and cost-effective prescribing, the programme consists of 40 credits of learning at Level 7. Students complete 26 days of scheduled learning and teaching which combine attendance for face-to-face, in-class work and the remainder are delivered more flexibly online supported by the VLE and e-learning approaches, and also complete 12 days equivalent (90 hours) of learning in the environment of the student’s future clinical practice as a prescriber.

As a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary (V300) prescriber in training, you are actively facilitated to apply and integrate your existing and developing professional knowledge and understanding within your clinical practice. This provides an educational experience which seeks to support the development of your clinical practice in your current environment as well as supporting future development.

Students identify a Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor with suitable equivalent qualifications for the programme to support the period of learning and assessment in clinical practice. On successful completion of the programme, you will be able  to demonstrate all competencies of the Competency framework for all prescribers (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2016).


Why choose University of Cumbria?

  • successful students are eligible to apply for annotation to the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and to practise as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/ Supplementary Prescriber (V300).
  • learning outcomes of the programme are directly related to the Standards of the NMC (2018) for prescribers
  • taught by experienced practitioners and academics, who have extensive experience of working in the NHS
  • patient / service user care matters to us – as a prescriber you can enhance that care
  • close support and guidance throughout your studies from your Academic Assessor – we are committed to supporting your successful completion of the programme
  • student feedback regularly comments on excellent organisation and management of the programme
  • student feedback also confirms that you can study at our attractive campus with friendly staff
  • use the academic credit from this course towards another University award

Graduate destinations

The programme to prepare to prescribe as a Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary Prescriber (V300) is offered as stand-alone module but may also be used to contribute to a postgraduate award.

For example, successful completion of the University Award Independent/Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Midwives (V300) could contribute to a Postgraduate Certificate Practice Development, Postgraduate Diploma or MSc Practice Development or towards the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice.

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