Professor Paul Stewart, PhD

  • Research Chair in Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, Professor of Control and Systems Engineering
Professor Paul Stewart, PhD


  • Professor of Intelligent Systems; Mel Morris Endowed Research Chair in Intelligent Systems, Director of Innovation, Director of Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering, University of Derby UK. Professoriat Committee, REF Strategy Committee. 2014- 2023
  • Pro Vice Chancellor Research, Professor of Energy Systems, Founding Head of School of Engineering at University of Lincoln with Siemens Energy (2009-2014)
  • Professor of Power and Energy Systems, Head of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, School of Engineering and Physical Science University of Salford (2008-2009)
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Control and Systems Engineering at University of Sheffield - Electrical Machines and Drives Research Group, Rolls-Royce UTC in Electrical Machines (2002-2008)
  • Research Fellow at University of Sheffield: EU Framework V Programme ELVAS Electronic Valve Actuation Systems, with Peugeot PSA France and TRW Germany (2001-2002)
  • Research Fellow at University of Sheffield: Rolls-Royce UTC in Control Systems - Distributed Aircraft Simulation Environment (2000-2001)
  • Research Fellow at Loughborough University: Automotive Drive by Wire Systems for Ford Motor Company (1999-2000)



The University of Sheffield UK

  • PGCertHE, Teaching and Learning in HE, 2005 – 2006
  • PhD, Adaptive model reference control of permanent magnet AC motors for electric vehicle drivetrains, 1996 – 1999 Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering. Industrial CASE Scholarship from Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd.
  • BEng, Electronic, Control and Systems Engineering, 1993 – 1996 Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
  • Engineering Foundation Year, 1992 – 1993 Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering

Qualifications and memberships

BEng; PhD; PGCertHE; Fellow Higher Education Academy; Senior Member Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers; Fellow Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Chartered Engineer


  • US Patent Office & Overseas License 62/855069 MEASURING PRESSURE WAVES IN DIALYSIS LINES TO DERIVE CONTINUOUS ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE Prof Paul Stewart, Prof Jill Stewart, et al. iTrend Medical Research Ltd.
  • US Patent Office Patent No: US7,511,475 B2 MOBILE MEMBER SPEED SENSOR Christophe Maerky, Geraint Jewell, Richard Clark, Paul Stewart

Academic and research interests

Current Funded Research Programmes


  • iTREND Intelligent Healthcare Technologies          Mar 2017 – Feb 2023

Funded by the MStart Trust via iTrend Ltd.                       £1.7M

Project Director Prof Paul Stewart, Co-I Professor Jill Stewart and Principal Investigators Prof Maarten Taal and Dr Nick Selby (Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital; Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham)

  • DIAMONDS Dialysis Monitoring for Decision Support       Aug 2021 – Jul 2023

Stoneygate Award: Kidney Research UK                                      £600,000

PI Prof Paul Stewart, Co-I Professor Jill Stewart and Principal Investigators Prof Maarten Taal and Prof Nick Selby (Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital; Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham)

  • Research in Residence                                               Mar 2022 – Feb 2023

 Funded by the MStart Trust via iTrend Ltd.                        £50k

Gateway to full funding via investigative feasibility studies in sensor technology


Previous Funded Projects as Principal Investigator

  • Mel Morris Endowed Research Chair in Intelligent Systems (£65k p.a.) Mar 2017 – 2020

Learning and self-optimising prognostics, diagnostics and sensor validation in MRI imaging systems.

  • EPSRC grant (reference EP/N026985/1) - ‘Smart Active Footbed for Wound Prevention and Management’
  • £50k                       Mar 2019 – Mar 2020

PI Professor Paul Stewart, Co-I Professor Jill Stewart, Professor Fran Game (Derby Royal Hospital). A feasibility study in collaboration with Royal Derby Hospital, developing smart materials and sensor systems to prevent and control the development of diabetic foot

SME Support

  • Collaborative PA1 ERDF Project – ‘Catalysing Growth through Research for Transport Equipment Manufacturing’                                                                                           Apr 2016 – Mar 2019

A £2.7M collaboration between Derby and Loughborough Universities – vehicle 2 grid, EV, Smartgrid, MultiModal Transport scheduling.

  • EU ERDF PA4 Project D2EE Low Carbon Technologies Nov 2016 – Oct 2019

A £3M project led by the University of Derby in collaboration with Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council

  • EU FP7 Project: ACHEON Aerial Coanda High Efficiency Orienting-jet Nozzle 2012 – 2015

FP7-TPT - Transport (Including Aeronautics) - Horizontal activities for implementation of the transport programme (TPT)                                         £280,000

The ACHEON project explores a novel propulsive system for aircraft which overcomes the main limitations of traditional systems introducing effective and affordable vectored jet aerial propulsion with no moving parts.

  • EU FP7 Project: MAAT multibody advanced energy self-sufficient powered airship 2011 – 2014

FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1                   £380,000

Electrical power system architectures, hydrogen production by hydrolysis, fuel cells, ultra-capacitors and propulsive design. Operational power-electronic systems and Control.

  • Hybrid Vehicle Zero Constraint Free Piston Energy Converter: EPSRC Grant: GR/S97507/01

2005 – 2008                    £332,519

Collaborating University: Dept. Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, University of Loughborough UK.Collaborating Company: Lotus Engineering. Consortium Manager: Paul Stewart

The technology is based around a single-cylinder free-piston internal combustion engine (ICE), which is run on a 4-stroke cycle, with an integral linear electromagnetic machine and electromagnetically operated poppet valves.

Intelligent Power and Energy Systems and Infrastucture           2012-2015

£500k p.a. rolling portfolio programme – Siemens Energy

  • Real-time big data monitoring delivering real time prognostics, diagnostics and sensor validation for the global Siemens power generation fleet – including evaluation of vehicle to grid optimisation.       
  • Airport energy technologies network EPSRC Grant: EP/H003150/1

2009 – 2012.         £183,382 Principal Investigator Prof Paul Stewart EPSRC – Low Carbon, Energy Efficient Airport Operations: 20 Universities and 17 Industrial Partners

  • Integrating and Automating Airport Operations EPSRC Grant: EP/H004424/2 2011  - 2014


PI Prof Paul Stewart, with Stirling University, Manchester and Zurich Airports

This project emerged from the Research Councils' Energy Programme Sandpit in Airport Operations, to exploit recent research advances in automated search methodologies and decision support techniques for air operations (and other related areas). Optimal real time control of airport take-off, landing, taxi and gate assignment for low carbon operations

  • Real-time Prognostics, Diagnostics and Failure Mode Computation and Control for Complex Power Systems and Actuators                                     2009 – 2010


United States Air Force European Office of Aeronautical Research and Development: 1 year personal research grant

  • Self-Powering Active Valve 2006 – 2008: Yorkshire Forward Grant. ‘Self-Powering, Active Valve’

2005 – 2008                                                                                                                                                                             £384,000

Principal Investigator: Paul Stewart:  Collaborating Company: Pegler Ltd. for intelligent building HVAC control

  • Electronically Actuated Valve Systems (ELTRAV) for distributed intelligent heating control, EU R&D Support Scheme

2008                                                                                                                                                                                            £120,000

Joint-investigators: Paul Stewart and Chris Bingham with Pegler Ltd.

  • Energy Recovery from Landing Aircraft EPSRC Grant: EP/H004351/1                                     2009 – 2012


Principal Investigator Prof Paul Stewart: Collaborating company: Airbus/EADS Innovation Works

To define, analyse and quantify the technologies which will enable the conversion of the kinetic energy of a landing aircraft, via a suitable electromechanical interface via transient energy storage into long term energy storage or the electrical grid network

  • EU Framework 6 More Open Electrical Technologies (MOET) workpackage 3.2.2 2008 – 2011


Principal Investigator Prof Paul Stewart

Optimised power systems, electrical machines, architecture and energy storage for the more electric aircraft. Collaborating Company: Airbus Toulouse Fr.

  • Electric Vehicle – Energy Management Systems Consultancy 2006


Joint-PIs Paul Stewart and Chris Bingham. Collaborating Companies: Lotus Engineering Ltd. and ITI Energy

Report on whole-vehicle energy management strategies for hybrid and electric vehicles. Vehicle to grid report.

  • EV and HEV Energy System Scoping Study – Carbon Trust Consultancy 2008


In collaboration with Lotus Engineering Ltd and E4Tech Ltd. Scoping low carbon funding calls for the Carbon Trust.



Research supervision

Some Representative PhD EXAMINATIONS

  • Jianxin Shen “Control of PMAC machines”
  • J Argyle “Optimisation of aircraft maintenance scheduling”
  • Liqiu Han “Stability studies on more electric aircraft power systems”
  • Kemas Madani: ‘Optimised routing for Aircraft flight path planning”
  • G.P. Kladis “Autonomous multi-agent aerial vehicles utilising energy requirements”
  • Tao Wu, “Integrative system modelling of aircraft electrical power systems”
  • Xuandi Zhao “Control of an Asymmetrical 3-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor”
  • Paul Wrigley (funded by Rolls-Royce) “Optimisation of modular system design for small nuclear reactors.”
  • Tom Walker (current, funded by MStart Ltd.) Adaptive complex modelling of the cardiovascular and peripheral neural control mechnisms
  • Carol Stalker Patient and Staff Experiences of Renal Dialysis Treatment


Venkata R Latha Gullapudi, Kelly White, Jill Stewart, Paul Stewart, Mohamed T. Eldehni, Maarten W Taal, Nicholas M Selby, ‘An analysis of frequency of continuous blood pressure variation and haemodynamic responses during haemodialysis’, Journal of Blood Purification, July 2022; 1-15. Doi:10.1159/000516935erived

Stewart, Paul; Stewart, Jill, ‘Noninvasive continuous intradialytic blood pressure monitoring: the key to improving haemodynamic stability’ Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension. 30(6):559-562, November 2021, doi: 10.1097/MNH.0000000000000738

Stewart (ed) (2021), ‘Energy Complex System Simulation, Design and Optimisation’, Energies Open Access Journal Special Edition, printed book in press.

Stewart Jill, Stewart Paul, Walker Tom, Gullapudi Latha, Eldehni Mohamed T., Selby Nicholas M., Taal, Maarten W. (2020), ‘Application of the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram to Investigate Heart Rate Variability during Haemodialysis’, DOI:, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 8862074, 18 pages, 2020/12/08

Jill Stewart, Paul Stewart, Tom Walker, Daniela Viramontes-Hörner, Bethany Lucas, Kelly White, Maarten W. Taal, Nicholas M. Selby, Mel Morris (2021), ‘An iterative run-to-run learning model to derive continuous brachial pressure estimates from arterial and venous lines during dialysis treatment’, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 65, 2021, 102346, ISSN 1746-8094,

Jill Stewart, Paul Stewart, Tom Walker, Daniela Viramontes Horner, Bethany Lucas, Kelly White, Maarten W Taal, Nicholas M Selby, Mel Morris, (2021) “A feasibility study of non-invasive Continuous Estimation of Brachial Pressure Derived from Arterial and Venous Lines During Dialysis", (2021) IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Print ISSN: 2168-2372, Online ISSN: 2168-2372, vol. 9, pp. 1-9, 2021, Art no. 2700209, doi: 10.1109/JTEHM.2020.3035988

Stewart, J., Stewart, P., Walker, T., Horner, D. V., Lucas, B., Taal, M. W., & Selby, N. M. (2020). An Iterative Run-to-Run Learning Model to Derive Continuous Brachial Pressure Estimates from Arterial and Venous Lines During Dialysis Treatment.

Stewart, Jill; Stewart, Paul; Walker, Thomas; Gullapudi, Latha; Eldehni, Tarek; Selby, Nicholas; et al. (2020):An Application of The Lomb-Scargle Periodogram To Investigate Heart Rate Variability During Haemodialysis.  Preprint.

Stewart, Jill, Paul Stewart, Thomas Walker, Tarek Eldehini, Daniela V. Horner, Bethany Lucas, Kelly White, et al. (2020). “A Feasibility Study of Non-invasive Continuous Estimation of Brachial Pressure Derived from Arterial and Venous Lines During Dialysis.” engrXiv. May 7. doi:10.31224/

Paul Stewart, Jill Stewart, T Walker, V R Latha Gullapudi, Maarten W Taal, Nicholas M Selby, (2019) DEVELOPMENT OF AN IN VITRO SIMULATION MODEL TO INVESTIGATE HAEMODYNAMIC RESPONSES DURING HAEMODIALYSIS, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz106.FP630,

Paul Stewart, Jill Stewart, T Walker, V R Latha Gullapudi, Nicholas M Selby, Maarten W Taal (2019) MEASURING PRESSURE WAVES IN DIALYSIS LINES TO DERIVE CONTINUOUS ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE: PILOT WORK IN AN IN VITRO AND IN SILICO Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, gfz103.SP541,, Published: 13 June 2019

Sciubba, P. Stewart, T.E. Amidon, K.T. Chau, A. Olabi (eds.), (2019) ‘10 Years of Energies - Horizon 2028’, Energies Open Access Journal Special Edition, printed book in press.

A. Wrigley, P. Wood, P. Stewart, R. Hall, D. Robertson (2018) Module layout optimization using a genetic algorithm in light water modular nuclear reactor power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 341, January 2019, Pages 100-111, ISSN 0029-5493, doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.10.023.

Stalker, C., Elander, J., Mitchell, K., Taal, M.W., Selby, N. & Stewart, P. (2018). What is acceptance, and how could it affect health outcomes for people receiving renal dialysis? Health Psychology Update, 27 (2), 17-23.

Michal Weiszer, Jun Chen, Paul Stewart, (2018) ‘Preference-based evolutionary algorithm for airport surface operations’, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 91, June 2018, Pages 296–316, doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2018.04.008

Tim Smith, Michele Trancossi, Dean Vucinic, Chris Bingham and Paul Stewart, (2017) Primary and Albedo Solar Energy Sources for High Altitude Persistent Air Vehicle Operation, Energies 2017, 10(4), 573; doi:10.3390/en10040573

Michele Trancossi, Mauro Madonia, Antonio Dumas, Diego Angeli, Chris Bingham, Shyam Sumanta Das, Francesco Grimaccia, Jose Pascoa Marques, Eliana Porreca, Tim Smith, Paul Stewart, Maharshi Subhash, Anna Sunol and Dean Vucinic, (2016) ‘A new aircraft architecture based on the ACHEON Coanda effect nozzle: flight model and energy evaluation’ European Transport Research Review, 8(2) · June 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s12544-016-0198-4

Paul Stewart and Chris Bingham ‘Electrical Power and Energy Systems for Transportation Applications’, Energies 2016, 9(7), 545; doi:10.3390/en9070545, Received: 11 July 2016 / Accepted: 13 July 2016 / Published: 14 July 2016

Jun Chen, Michal Weiszer, Giorgio Locatelli, Stefan Ravizza, Jason A. Atkin, Paul Stewart and Edmund Burke, (2016) ‘Towards a More Realistic, Cost Effective and Greener Ground Movement through Active Routing: Part 2-A Multi-Objective Shortest Path Approach’ , IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, December 2016, 17(12):3524-3540) Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2016.2587619

Z. Cen, P. Stewart (2016), ‘Condition Parameter Estimation for Buck Converters based on Model Observers’, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. PP, Issue 99, pages 1-13, October 2016, 10.1109/TR.2016.2618320.

Guest Editor – Machines Journal special issue, ‘Advances in Control Engineering 2nd ed.’ (2015)

Jun Chen, Michal Weiszer, Paul Stewart and Masihalah Shabani, (2015) ‘Towards a More Realistic, Cost Effective and Greener Ground Movement through Active Routing: Part 1-Optimal Speed Profile Generation’, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Issue 99, pp 1-14, ISSN: 1524-9050, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2015.2477350, November 2015-11-18

Z. Cen, T. Smith, P. Stewart and J. Stewart (2015), ‘Integrated Flight/Thrust Vectoring for Jet-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with ACHEON Propulsion’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering vol.229, pp1057-1075, May 2015 first published online July 29, 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0954410014544179

Michal Weiszer, Jun Chen, Paul Stewart (2015), A real-time Active Routing approach via a database for airport surface movement. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 58, Part A, September 2015, Pages 127–145 DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.07.011

Ravizza, Stefan and Chen, Jun and Atkin, Jason A. D. and Stewart, Paul and Burke, Edmund K. (2014) Aircraft taxi time prediction: comparisons and insights. Applied Soft Computing, 14 (c). pp. 397-406. ISSN 1568-4946

Trancossi, M., Dumas, A., Stewart, P., and Vucinic, D., (2014) “Increasing Aeronautic Electric Propulsion Performance by Cogeneration and Heat Recovery,” SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2106, 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-2106.

Wilson S., Stewart P. and Stewart J., “Real-time thermal management of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors by resistance estimation”, IET Transactions in Electric Power Applications. 6 (9). pp. 716-726. ISSN 1751-8660, 2012.

Guest Editor – Energies Journal special issue, ‘Electrical Power and Energy systems’ (2012)

Ravizza S., Chen J., Atkin J., Burke E. and Stewart P., “The trade-off between taxi time and fuel consumption in airport ground movement”, Springer-Verlag Journal of Public Transport Planning and Operations, ISSN: 1866-749X (print version), ISSN: 1613-7159 (electronic version), DOI 10.1007/s12469-013-0060-1, Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013), Page 25-40

Smith T., Bingham C., Stewart P., Allarton R. and Stewart J., “Energy Harvesting and Power Network Architectures for the MAAT High Altitude Cruiser-Feeder Airship Concept”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering April 2013 vol. 227 no. 4 586-598

Guest Editor – Machines Journal special issue, ‘Advances in Control Engineering’ (2013/14)

J. C. Pascoa, A. Dumas, M. Trancossi, P. Stewart and D. Vucinic, ‘A review of thrust-vectoring in support of a V/STOL non-moving mechanical propulsion system’, Central European Journal of Engineering, 3(3), 2013, pp. 374-388.

Domenec Puig, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Emanuele Rizzo, Agusti Solanas, (2014) Paul Stewart, “A personal robotic flying machine with vertical takeoff controlled by the human body movements”, Book: A. Natraj et al. (Eds.): TAROS 2013, LNAI 8069, pp. 1–2, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-43645-5_7, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Gladwin D, Stewart P., Stewart J., “Internal combustion engine control for series-hybrid electric vehicles by evolutionary programming methods” International Journal of Systems Science – Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Control of Advanced Automotive Drivetrains, 42 (2). pp. 249-261. ISSN 0020-7721, 2011.

Gladwin D., Stewart P. and Stewart J., “A Controlled Migration Genetic Algorithm Operator for Hardware-in-the-Loop Experimentation”, IFAC Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 586-594,

Gladwin D., Stewart P. and Stewart J., “A novel Genetic Programming approach to the design of engine control systems for the voltage stabilisation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle generator outputs”, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part D – Journal of Automobile Engineering. Volume 225, pp. 1334-1346, 2011.

Wilson D, Stewart P., Jewell G, Taylor B, “Methods of resistance estimation in permanent magnet synchronous motors for real-time thermal management.” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Vol.25, No.3. pp. 698-707, 2010

Gladwin D., Stewart P., Parr M. and Stewart J., “Multiobjective evolutionary-fuzzy augmented flight controller for an F16 Aircraft.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Vol.224, No.3, pp 293-309, 2010. Awarded IMechE Charles Sharpe Beecher Prize for best Aerospace Paper 2010.

Kan Liu, Q. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhu, J. Zhang, A.W. Shen, Stewart P., “Two Novel MRAS Strategies for Identification of Parameters in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors ”, International Journal of Automation and Computing. Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 526-524, November 2010.

Gladwin D., Stewart P., Stewart J. and Cowley C., “DC Voltage Stabilisation for The Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle” Transactions of the Institute of Instrumentation, Systems and Automation, Vol 47/2 pp 222-228, April 2008.


Stewart P., Gladwin D., Stewart J., Chen R. and Winward E., “Improved decision support for engine in the loop experimental design optimisation. Part I and Part II.”, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part D – Automobile Engineering Vol.224, No.2, pp. 201-218, 2009.

Stewart P., Gladwin D. and Fleming P.J., “Multiobjective analysis for the design and control of an electromagnetic valve actuator” Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 221(5), pp. 567-577, 2007.

Stewart P., Zavala J.C. and Fleming P.J., “Automotive drive by wire controller design by multi objective techniques” IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice. Vol.13/2, pp.257-264. Feb. 2005.

Neural networks and intellect-using model based concepts. IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice. Vol 13/5 pp 667-668. May 2005.

Stewart P. and Kadirkamanathan V., “Dynamic model tracking design for low inertia, high speed permanent magnet AC motors”, Institute of Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Transactions, vol.43, no.1, pp. 111-122, January 2004.

Stewart P., Stone D.A. and Fleming P.J. “Design of robust fuzzy-logic control systems by multi-objective evolutionary methods with hardware in the loop” IFAC Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.70, no.3, pp.275-284, May 2004.

Stewart P. and Fleming P.J., “Drive by wire control of automotive driveline oscillations by response surface methodology” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol.12(5), pp.737-41, Sept. 2004

Model reduction for control system design IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Volume: 23 Issue: 1 , Feb 2003 Page(s): 104

Stewart P., “Torque maximisation of the PMAC motor for high speed, low inertia operation” Asian Journal of Control. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.58-64, May 2003.

Stewart P. and Kadirkamanathan V., “Commutation of permanent magnet synchronous AC motors for military and traction applications” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol.50, No.3, pp. 629-631, June 2003.

Stewart P., Fleming P.J. and MacKenzie S.A., “Real Time Simulation and Control Systems Design by the Response Surface Methodology and Designed Experiments”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 34, No. 14-15, pp. 837-850, Nov.-Dec. 2003.

Clark R.E., Stewart P., Jewell G.W. and Howe D., “Tailoring force-stroke characteristics in medium-stroke linear reluctance actuators” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.38, No.5, pp.3267-3269 2002.

Stewart P. and Kadirkamanathan V., “Dynamic model reference PI control of flux weakened permanent magnet AC motor drives” IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 9, no. 11, pp.1255-1263. November 2001.





Recent external roles

Some Professional Activities

UK Kidney Dialysis and Research Innovation Network (UKDRIN) Executive Panel Member (2023-)

Chairman: UK and Republic of Ireland IEEE Industrial Electronics Chapter (2009 – 2010)

UKRI EPSRC Peer Review College and Energy Stream Funding Panels (2005-)

Member of the ESRC Research Grants Board (Current)

EU Horizon 2020 Expert Funding Panel: Energy and Transport (2015-)

Editorial board of the International Journal of Automation and Computing (2010 – ).

Associate Editor in Chief, Energies Journal (2011 -).

EU Framework Programme Committee: ACARE – Flight Path 2050 – Workgroup3 – Innovative Technologies

Electrical Transport Power Systems UK National Advisory Committee (2005-2009)

Board Member AIMEA-UK Academic Initiative in the More Electric Aircraft Consortium (Sheffield, Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester and Newcastle Universities) EU MOET Programme with Airbus (2005-8)

Advisory Board: Birmingham Centre for Cryogenic Energy Storage (2014-15)

Advisory Board: Centre for Low Carbon Futures (2014-15)

Member D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Boards: SME Innovation; Low Carbon, Energy

University of Derby Lead: ERDF ESIF: EU Priority Axes 2&4, Innovation, Transport and Low Carbon (2014-20)

University of Cumbria: Consultancy to develop framework for region wide research, innovation and enterprise activity with SMEs, NHS stakeholders and industrial partners (BAe Systems, Siemens etc.) (2022)


Prizes and Awards

  • Winner: Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Award for Knowledge Exchange and Transfer 2015.
  • Winner: Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Employer Engagement with Siemens 2012.
  • Siemens UK University Principal Partner Status 2012 – (Global Status 2015)
  • Winner: IMechE 2011 Charles Sharpe Beecher Prize for Aerospace
  • Winner: Lord Stafford Award 2011 for industry collaboration.
  • IET Awards 2011 – Highly Commended for Industrial Partnership with Siemens.
  • IET Awards 2010 – Highly Commended for Industrial Partnership with Siemens.




  • “Model reference control of multivariable systems with hard saturation limits – a case study” Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, Oct 2002.
  • “Metamodels for real-time control - an automotive design study.” Department of Mathematics Operational Research Group, University of Southampton, February 2003.
  • November 2003 (14 day) Royal Society funded lecture tour of Taiwan Universities and research centres – “EV system intelligent design by multiobjective methodologies”
  • “Multiobjective evolutionary optimisation and contemporary control” University of Nottingham Department of Computer Science, June 2004.
  • FABIAN Network, Wednesday 27th April 2005 at MIRA, Nuneaton. Latest Developments in UK Fuel Cell and Hybrid Electric Technology, and Examples of Vehicle Applications: “A four stroke free-piston energy converter”
  • “Multiobjective optimisation for engineering system applications” IEEE colloquium on optimisation for control. 24th April 2006, Sheffield AC&SE
  • “Automotive control by wire optimisation using evolutionary multiobjective techniques” Applied Control Technology Consortium (University of Strathclyde). National Instruments, Newbury, 3rd May 2007.
  • “Multiobjective augmented flight controller design for an F16 Aircraft.”, Plenary Lecture: 6th International Congress of Mechatronics Engineering, Monterrey, Mexico, April 9th-12th 2008
  • “Search Methodologies in automotive control applications” IMechE Symposium on Control and Modelling in Automotive Systems, UKACC Control 2008 conference, Manchester/Salford University, 3rd September 2008.
  • ‘Automotive Power System Electronics’, Seminar: Electronics Yorkshire and Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre, 14th May 2009.
  • ‘Electrical Storm – Novel Hybrid Electric Vehicle R&D’, Seminar: IMechE/Lotus Engineering Ltd. Hethel Engineering Centre, Norwich. ‘Integrating Technologies for Low Carbon’, 29th September 2009
  • ‘Optimising The System – Challenges in More Electric Aircraft Power System Simulation’, Seminar: IMechE Aerospace Division, IET Austin Court Birmingham, ‘Energy and Optimisation’10th November 2009
  • ‘Advanced engine control methodologies for the series hybrid electric vehicle’ 2010 Advanced Engine Control Symposium, State Key Engine Laboratories, Tianjin, P.R. China, 3-5 November 2010.
  • ‘Bio:Eng Bridging the gaps between engineering and biology’ ICMAT2011 26th June-July 1st 2011. Symposium AA: Frontiers in Optical Bio-imaging and Microscopy" Suntec, Singapore.
  • ‘Airports and the Environment’ Aerospace, Aeronautics and Defence Knowledge Transfer Network (AAD-KTN), Magna Conference Centre, Rotherham, UK. 20-21 September 2011
  • ‘MAAT – Multibody Advanced Airship for Transportation’ Airship Association and Royal Aeronautical Society Symposium, Imperial College London, 1st December 2011.
  • ‘Energy Recovery from Landing aircraft’ Royal Aeronautical Society, University of Sheffield October 2012.