About the Learning, Education & Development Research Centre

The Learning, Education and Development (LED) research centre focuses on supporting practitioners to develop research-informed practice, publish high quality research that has impact on policy and practice.

We work across early years, children’s workforce, primary schooling, secondary schooling, outdoor learning, youth work, further and higher education.

If you work with children, young people or adult learners and are interested in developing research-informed practice then the team here at LED want to work with you.

Professor Sally Elton-Chalcraft Director of LED

Charlotte Mason Centenary Events 2023

17th November 2023: Expert Panel of Charlotte Mason Scholars and Practitioners | University of Cumbria

Watch video of the talk


26th October 2023: Adventures with the Morecambe Bay Curriculum | Presented By Chris Barlow | University of Cumbria

Watch video of the talk


20th September 2023: Charlotte Mason Part 2 - Margaret Coombs hosted by Sally Elton-Chalcraft

Watch video of the talk


8th February 2023: Charlotte Mason Centenary event hosted by Prof Sally Elton-Chalcraft (University of Cumbria) and Faye Morrissey (Armitt Museum).

A conversation with Margaret Coombs, ‘The Thirteenth Child: exploring Charlotte Mason’s secret early life and her reasons for concealment’.

Powerpoint - The Thirteenth Child and her Secrets Part 1: The early life of Charlotte Mason

Watch video of the talk


6th March 2023: Carroll Smith 'Mason for the 21st Century' hosted by Sally Elton-Chalcraft.

What could an educator who died in 1923 have to say to us today? Join Carroll Smith in discussion of Mason for the 21st Century and learn what Mason has to teach us today. Among other ideas, he will discuss the livingness of her ideas, her appreciation and value of children and how she valued science.

Powerpoints: 6th March Carroll Smith  &  Mason in 21st century

Watch video of the talk


May 2023: John Thorley - Charlotte Mason and the Bradford and Gloucestershire projects

Powerpoint - Presentation


23rd May 2023: Home Learning Environments for Young Children with Cathy Nutbrown. Hosted by Sally Elton-Chalcraft.

Powerpoint (narrated): Cathy Nutbrown - Ambleside

Watch video of the talk


19th June 2023: Realising a pedagogy: Charlotte Mason - Timeless truths, Teaching & Learning. 1. Beckman, 2. Cooper, hosted by Elton-Chalcraft Charlotte Mason series-2023 Hosted by Sally Elton-Chalcraft.

Watch video of the talk

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