Dr Jonathan Eaton, PhD

  • Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning & Teaching)
  • Board of Directors, Institute and Professional Services Directors, Pro Vice Chancellors, Vice Chancellor Executive
  • Pro Vice Chancellors
Profile picture for Jonathan Eaton, PhD


As Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning & Teaching), Jonathan provides strategic leadership in the development and implementation of evidence-based pedagogies of learning and practice which effectively utilise digital resources and approaches to create innovative student learning experiences and outcomes. Jonathan provides strategic leadership to the University through the design, development and effective embedding of the University’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Plan, across a range of learning locations and modes, in line with the University’s Towards 2030 Strategy.

Previously Director of Student Learning & Academic Registry at Teesside University, Jonathan has a wealth of experience relating to learning and teaching enhancement, digital transformation and student engagement. Jonathan has previously conducted funded pedagogic research and enhancement projects for a number of sector bodies, and is frequently invited to speak at external conferences and seminars. He is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Jonathan previously served as a member of the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Review Group for Classics and Ancient History.