
I worked as a journalist before training to be a midwife, following the birth of my children.

As a midwife, I worked in clinical practice in hospital and community settings, but my aim was always to teach and be involved in Midwifery education. I enjoyed working with student midwives, and was passionate about evidence-based practice and choice for women and their families.  This led to further study, and the opportunity to lecture. 

I became a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader subsequently, supporting midwifery students to fulfil their dreams.  I have a keen interest in curriculum development and design, and have been involved in the validation of several midwifery programmes in this University and others.  

Qualifications and memberships

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority.(HEA) 

MSc Practice Development (Midwifery) 

Post-graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Higher Education (PGLT) 

Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) 

BSc (Hons) Midwifery 

Registered Midwife (RM, NMC) 

Royal College of Midwives 

BA (Hons) English  

National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) – National Journalism Qualification (NQJ) 

Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champion  

Academic and research interests


Safe infant sleeping 

Informed choice 

Obstetric emergency training 

Midwifery leadership and autonomy