Top Tips for Meeting the UCAS Deadline

Top Tips for Meeting the UCAS Deadline

As the deadline approaches, you might be starting to panic. There’s really no need to worry, as we have put together our top tips on getting your application done and sent off in time.

Posted on Thursday, January 5, 2023

Tagged Student Life

Get out and about in Carlisle

Get out and about in Carlisle

With two different campuses in the beautiful and historic city of Carlisle, University of Cumbria students and visitors have plenty to see and do.

Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2022

Tagged Carlisle

PGCE Primary Blog: September 2022

PGCE Primary Blog: September 2022

Wow. It’s now October. Our primary PGCE students have been with us for six weeks and are really getting into the swing of understanding the hugely complex but phenomenally fun job of teaching.

Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022

Tagged Education, Postgraduate

Inspirational University of Cumbria Sports Alumnus

Inspirational University of Cumbria Sports Alumnus

Our Sports Rehabilitation and Sports Coaching and Physical Education courses provide students with the experience and partnership links to help them kickstart exciting careers. From working in performance therapy with professional athletes and applying sporting knowledge to train armed forces squadrons, to using sport as a tool to foster social change, keep reading to learn what came next for some of our inspiring sport graduates.

Posted on Thursday, August 4, 2022

Tagged Clearing, Sport

University of Cumbria student nurse makes a difference by advocating for patients

University of Cumbria student nurse makes a difference by advocating for patients

Discover how current University of Cumbria Nursing student, Josh Gilroy, is making a difference whilst training for his BA (Hons) in Adult Nursing, from playing a part in life-saving diagnoses to representing Cumbria within the Royal College of Nursing.

Posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Tagged Nursing, Student Life

How can Universities be More Sustainable? 
Five Ways University of Cumbria is Protecting the Planet

How can Universities be More Sustainable? Five Ways University of Cumbria is Protecting the Planet

We’re lucky to host campuses in some of the greenest settings in the UK - including the only UK campus within a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But, at the University of Cumbria, our sites aren’t the only thing that’s green.

Posted on Friday, July 15, 2022

Tagged Clearing, Geography, National School of Forestry, Student Life, Wildlife Media, Zoology

Make a Difference to the Lives of SEND Children and Young People at Cumbria

Make a Difference to the Lives of SEND Children and Young People at Cumbria

The much awaited, and long delayed review of Special Educational needs and Disability (SEND) was published in March 2022. But what does it say, and how does it reflect the difference University of Cumbria educators are already making to the lives of SEND children and young people?

Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tagged Education, Health and Wellbeing, LED, Postgraduate, Undergraduate

Should I attend an Open Day as a PGCE Applicant?

Should I attend an Open Day as a PGCE Applicant?

So, you’re thinking about studying for your PGCE. Maybe you’ve started your research on our website, or talked to a friend who’s already completed their training, but what’s the next step? Coming to an Open Day is a fantastic way to learn more about becoming a trainee teacher and completing a PGCE.

Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tagged Alumni, Carlisle, Education, Lancaster, Postgraduate

Questions our Prospective Students want Answered!

Questions our Prospective Students want Answered!

There's no shortage of advice and info online about applying to university. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by how much there is out there. Especially when something contradicts the last thing you read. So let's look at some of the most common myths around higher education.

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2022

Tagged Student Life, Undergraduate

Should I go to university?

Should I go to university?

Is university right for you? You’ll have a lot of people giving their opinion. Teachers, friends, random family members you see once a year. Then you go online and you get even more confused about what to do.

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Tagged Student Life, Undergraduate

Guide to finance for student parents

Guide to finance for student parents

Studying while being a parent is both challenging and rewarding. With more commitments than students who don’t have children, you need to make sure that you make things as simple for yourself as possible. This includes having all the financial support in place which you are entitled to.

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Tagged Finance, Nursing, Student Life

A complete guide to Applicant Visit Days

A complete guide to Applicant Visit Days

Coming to university is a big decision. It's important to make sure you've got all the answers you need before you choose your firm and insurance options. An Applicant Visit Day at the University of Cumbria can be a game-changer for your future.

Posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tagged Applications, Finance, Student Hub

How to choose a university

How to choose a university

With over 390 higher education institutions and 50,000 courses in the UK , we understand that it can be difficult to narrow down where you want to go. This guide will set you on your way to shortlisting universities for your UCAS application.

Posted on Friday, April 8, 2022

Tagged Applications, Student Life, Undergraduate



Like the sound of working in education, but not sure what careers are out there? Take it from us, there are hundreds of exciting and fulfilling education roles for you to discover. Keep reading to get inspired by a future career in education...

Posted on Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Tagged Education, Undergraduate



So there’s something that you’re really passionate about and feel drawn towards turning into a career. A career change can be really tough and pretty daunting, however making that bold decision to take your life in a new direction in your 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s can be much easier than you think.

Posted on Friday, April 1, 2022

Tagged Applications, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Social Science

Get Ready for Open Days: 5 Ways To Make the Most Of Your Open Day

Get Ready for Open Days: 5 Ways To Make the Most Of Your Open Day

There’s no better way to discover if a university is for you than by whole-heartedly throwing yourself into one of its open days. You’re free to soak up the atmosphere, wander the corridors, meet the staff and students and get a real feel for the place. A website, regardless of how professional and informative it is, just can’t compare to a real life experience.

Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tagged Applications, Postgraduate, Student Hub, Student Life, Undergraduate

Prepare for Your A Level Exams: Revision Techniques

Prepare for Your A Level Exams: Revision Techniques

So, your A Levels are coming up soon and it’s time to get revising, but where to begin?! You aren’t alone in feeling the pressure, but we are here to offer you our top revision tips and tricks to get you exam organised.

Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tagged Student Hub, Undergraduate

How to write a great application for a masters in nursing

How to write a great application for a masters in nursing

Write an excellent personal statement to support your masters in nursing application for University.

Posted on Friday, March 25, 2022

Tagged Nursing

What skills and qualifications do you need to be a nurse?

What skills and qualifications do you need to be a nurse?

Discover the character traits, skills and qualifications nurses need to start their career and succeed in their professional practice.

Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tagged Midwifery, Nursing

What Skills and Qualifications Do I Need to be an Occupational Therapist?

What Skills and Qualifications Do I Need to be an Occupational Therapist?

The field of Occupational Therapy is perfect for motivated people who want to empower others to live as independently as possible. This article will explain what Occupational Therapy is and consider the skills and qualifications required to become an Occupational Therapist. Keep reading and you might be inspired to change lives.

Posted on Friday, March 4, 2022

Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Occupational Therapy

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?

If you’re fascinated by human behaviour then the diverse field of Psychology could prove to be the perfect career path. Psychology is a fascinating topic and a wonderful way to study the inner workings of the human mind. By gaining a richer understanding of mental health conditions you can help people manage and overcome psychological distress. What could be more rewarding?

Posted on Friday, March 4, 2022

Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Psychology

What is the NHS Learning Support Fund?

What is the NHS Learning Support Fund?

If you want to study for a health-related undergraduate or postgraduate degree or are going into your second or third year of study in a health discipline, we have great news: you may be eligible for an NHS Learning Support Fund (NHS LSF) grant. Continue reading for more details on who is eligible to apply, how and when you can apply and how you will receive your payments.

Posted on Friday, March 4, 2022

Tagged Health and Wellbeing

What is experiential learning?

What is experiential learning?

Experiential Learning was once called ‘Learning by Doing’, becoming well-known from the work of David Kolb in 1984 and his Experiential Learning Cycle Theory.

Posted on Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tagged London, Postgraduate, Science

Meet your Students’ Union: Who We Are and What We Do

Meet your Students’ Union: Who We Are and What We Do

A huge part of the student experience at Cumbria comes from the Students' Union. From events to societies, to your welfare and academic support, our UCSU have got it covered.

Posted on Monday, June 28, 2021

Tagged Student Life

Commencing Study If You Deferred a Year: Why 2021 Is the Perfect Year to Study

Commencing Study If You Deferred a Year: Why 2021 Is the Perfect Year to Study

If you have deferred in 2020 and are commencing study this September, or if you deferred to 2022 but had a change in circumstance and want to start your course in 2021, here is everything you need to know.

Posted on Thursday, June 3, 2021

Tagged Applications

Get involved in Carlisle's culture

Get involved in Carlisle's culture

With two different campuses in the beautiful and historic city of Carlisle, University of Cumbria students and visitors have plenty to see and do.

Posted on Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tagged Carlisle, Student Life

Get involved in London's culture

Get involved in London's culture

Don’t let your time with the University of Cumbria pass you by without seeing all the cultural gems and seasonal events the city has to offer!

Posted on Monday, May 24, 2021

Tagged London

Get active in Carlisle

Get active in Carlisle

With two different campuses in the beautiful and historic city of Carlisle, University of Cumbria students and visitors have plenty to see and do.

Posted on Monday, May 17, 2021

Tagged Carlisle

Occupational Therapy student placements: The Student's View

Occupational Therapy student placements: The Student's View

Going on placement is an exciting aspect of training to become an Occupational Therapist, find out from our students what they thought of their placements and where they completed them.

Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2021

Tagged Employability, Health and Wellbeing, Occupational Therapy

How to write a good personal statement for a degree in Psychology

How to write a good personal statement for a degree in Psychology

Write a brilliant personal statement to support your psychology degree application for university with top tips from our expert lecturers.

Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2021

Tagged Carlisle, Psychology

Get involved in Lancaster's culture

Get involved in Lancaster's culture

Lancaster is as vibrant as it is quirky, and its fantastic range of events, attractions and festivals mean there is so much for our students to see and do. Whether you're already studying at our Lancaster campus or are thinking of applying here, take a look at just some of the things you can explore in this heritage city.

Posted on Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tagged Lancaster

5 ways you’ll be prepared for your future career with our Health and Social Care Integrated Foundation Year

5 ways you’ll be prepared for your future career with our Health and Social Care Integrated Foundation Year

If you're interested in getting into a career in Health and Social Care then our integrated foundation year route can provide the stepping stone you need to get into higher education and reach your goals. Read below to find out 5 ways our course will prepare you for your ideal future Health or Social Care career.

Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2021

Tagged Carlisle, Health and Wellbeing, Lancaster, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Undergraduate