Institute of Health Public Seminar Series 2025
We are delighted to announce that the Institute of Health at UoC is holding three public seminars over the next few months, starting with Exploring the Personal and Professional Identities and Support Needs of Those In Lived Experience with Dr Veenu Gupta.
Posted on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Postgraduate, Psychology

Allied Health Professions Research Interest Group (AHP-RIG) at UoC
The AHP-RIG will be launching in the New Year, with the aim of to bringing together like-minded researchers at UoC and in the NW/NE regional NHS, with any levels of research experience, and with a view to expanding research networks and opportunities for all.
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2024
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Research

What is the NHS Learning Support Fund?
If you want to study for a health-related undergraduate or postgraduate degree or are going into your second or third year of study in a health discipline, we have great news: you may be eligible for an NHS Learning Support Fund (NHS LSF) grant. Continue reading for more details on who is eligible to apply, how and when you can apply and how you will receive your payments.
Posted on Thursday, August 29, 2024
Tagged Health and Wellbeing

A World of Pure Imagination: How Immersive Digital Simulation Experiences Will Equip You for Your Future
Step into a world of endless learning possibilities, where innovation and education combine to create multi-sensory learning experiences. Using the latest technology in augmented reality, interactive 3D graphics and immersive audio content, our DigiSim (digital simulation) team creates interactive environments that can transport you anywhere – from the home of a 70-year-old dementia patient, to the site of a motorway accident – within seconds,
Posted on Friday, April 26, 2024
Tagged Health and Wellbeing
Make a Difference to the Lives of SEND Children and Young People at Cumbria
The much awaited, and long delayed review of Special Educational needs and Disability (SEND) was published in March 2022. But what does it say, and how does it reflect the difference University of Cumbria educators are already making to the lives of SEND children and young people?
Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Tagged Education, Health and Wellbeing, LED, Postgraduate, Undergraduate

What Skills and Qualifications Do I Need to be an Occupational Therapist?
The field of Occupational Therapy is perfect for motivated people who want to empower others to live as independently as possible. This article will explain what Occupational Therapy is and consider the skills and qualifications required to become an Occupational Therapist. Keep reading and you might be inspired to change lives.
Posted on Friday, March 4, 2022

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?
If you’re fascinated by human behaviour then the diverse field of Psychology could prove to be the perfect career path. Psychology is a fascinating topic and a wonderful way to study the inner workings of the human mind. By gaining a richer understanding of mental health conditions you can help people manage and overcome psychological distress. What could be more rewarding?
Posted on Friday, March 4, 2022
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Psychology

Occupational Therapy student placements: The Student's View
Going on placement is an exciting aspect of training to become an Occupational Therapist, find out from our students what they thought of their placements and where they completed them.
Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2021
Tagged Employability, Health and Wellbeing, Occupational Therapy

5 ways you’ll be prepared for your future career with our Health and Social Care Integrated Foundation Year
If you're interested in getting into a career in Health and Social Care then our integrated foundation year route can provide the stepping stone you need to get into higher education and reach your goals. Read below to find out 5 ways our course will prepare you for your ideal future Health or Social Care career.
Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2021
Tagged Carlisle, Health and Wellbeing, Lancaster, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Undergraduate

Inspirational Women: A Q&A with women of the University of Cumbria
To celebrate International Women’s Day and inspire the girls and women of Cumbria, we have reached out to our wonderful academic team to hear a few of the inspirational stories that make the University of Cumbria the thriving, supportive community that it is. From women who were told their potential was limited or had to overcome barriers to achieve professional success, our message to you today is that it’s possible and you can do it. Happy International Women’s Day!
Posted on Monday, March 8, 2021
Tagged Art and Design, Children and Families, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Postgraduate, Research, Undergraduate

LGBTQ+ Allyship - Ali Richards
Being an Ally of the LGBTQ community
Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Nursing

LGBTQ+ Allyship - Lee McDermott
As the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officer at UoC, one thing that is never lost on me is that I identify as a cis, white, Christian, non-disabled, straight male...
Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Tagged Health and Wellbeing

What do learning disability nurses do?
Learning disability nurses work in a wide range of environments, including community nursing, forensic, secure or residential settings and hospices. This blog will explore what learning disabilities nurses do in their role and the impact they have on the lives of others.
Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Nursing

Psychology Research in Focus
Our Psychology department is home to a number of lecturers and students who are actively researching and contributing to the development of leading research within the field of Psychology. This blog will be updated frequently to introduce the different topics that are being researched within the team.
Posted on Friday, November 6, 2020
Tagged Carlisle, Health and Wellbeing, Psychology

How can creative writing help individuals struggling with their mental health?
Each year for National Poetry Day, third-year mental health nursing students explore the use of creative writing, in particular poetry, as an alternative medium for mental health nurses to consider using with clients in clinical practice.
Posted on Thursday, November 5, 2020
Tagged Carlisle, Health and Wellbeing, Lancaster, Nursing

13 Things our students do in the Windermere peaks that are so much better than crying
Our beautiful homeland has received a very special mention by a certain popstar this week. None other than Taylor Swift has talked about “The Lakes” in her new album “Folklore”!
Posted on Friday, August 14, 2020
Tagged Ambleside, Art and Design, Business, Conservation, Forestry, Geography, Health and Wellbeing, Media Arts, National School of Forestry, Outdoor Studies, Paramedic, Physiotherapy, Policing, Science, Sport, Student Life, Wildlife Media
Why become a nurse?
Nursing is a graduate profession which requires you to not only develop competency in practice but also your knowledge and understanding of the evidence base which informs your care. It is a challenging yet rewarding career which provides you with a wealth of opportunities in very different care settings.
Posted on Thursday, August 13, 2020
Tagged Carlisle, Employability, Health and Wellbeing, Lancaster, Midwifery, Nursing

What is psychology and which careers can it lead to?
Interest in psychology, the study of mind and behaviour has grown significantly in the last 15 years. Psychology is now one of the most popular degree choices with over 100 000 students applying to study it each year in the UK.
Posted on Sunday, August 9, 2020
Tagged Carlisle, Health and Wellbeing, Psychology

Keeping Healthy with our Sports Community at Cumbria
Our final-year sport, coaching and physical education students and their lecturers worked together to create a series of videos featuring games, activities and tips to inspire themselves and the community to stay healthy.
Posted on Friday, April 17, 2020
Tagged Community Work, Health and Wellbeing, Sport

Everything you need to know about becoming a Paramedic
Paramedics have a highly responsible role, regularly being the senior ambulance service healthcare professional in a range of emergency and non-emergency situations. Paramedics are often the first healthcare professional on the scene to aid and assist patients when they are in their most vulnerable need of care provision.
Posted on Monday, January 6, 2020
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Paramedic

Top 5 tips to get into Social Work
Deciding to train in a new profession can be daunting. Whether it is your first job, a career change or a logical next step, it can be difficult to know if you're making the best decision. To help you decide if Social Work is right for you, our Principal Lecturer Jim Greer gives his top tips on getting into Social Work.
Posted on Friday, December 13, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing

The perfect career as a Learning Disability Nurse
Diverse nursing roles can steer you far from the vision of a nurse in uniform caring for patients at their bedside within a Hospital setting. Graduate Shaheen Ratansi tells her story of the journey she has taken to find her perfect degree, starting a career in a supportive and empowering role as a Learning Disability Nurse.
Posted on Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Nursing

Fighting back to fitness: The difference between Sports Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy
Everyone suffers an injury or reoccurring physical issue at some point in life, however this can be the start of the confusion as you decide on whether you need a Physiotherapist or Sports Rehabilitator.
Posted on Friday, August 23, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Physiotherapy, Sport

Festival of Mental Health: The Benefits of Performance Art
Mental Health is building national awareness to educate and support people; arts and creativity being a favourable avenue to self-expression and inclusion.
Posted on Friday, July 12, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Nursing, Performing Arts

Pre-registration Mental health Nursing.
At the university of Cumbria, we offer a course in Pre-registration Mental health Nursing, lasting 3 years. Having gained an Honours degree in the subject and having met the competence to join the Nursing and Midwifery Council and a registered Mental health Nurse (RMN), you’ll be equipped to begin your career as an RMN.
Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing, Midwifery, Nursing, Psychology

It’s (not) a man’s world: Males in Healthcare roles
The artificial boundaries between “careers for men”, and “careers for women” should by now have gone in the same direction as the dinosaurs. Sadly, that’s not always the case.
Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing

Creating digital health services in the real world
We’ve been talking about digital health for quite a few years now, our course is designed to help industry professionals take their place of work into the new world of digital.
Posted on Friday, March 1, 2019
Tagged Health and Wellbeing

What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is a varied and rewarding career choice. An occupational therapy degree offers you a qualification with a wide range of flexibility and brilliant career prospects. Studying for a degree with the University of Cumbria will equip you with the knowledge and training to be able to pursue a career in any area of occupational therapy.
Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2019